People who don’t make the crust from scratch.
People who don’t make the crust from scratch.
Who bakes a pie at home in an aluminum pie tin?
Many people feel some anxiety about how their body will be treated, post-death. And not without cause.
5 years old and VASTLY more intelligent than ALL of the Trump voters/supporters.
It helps when the video is available.
Serious question, what are wypipo supposed to do in a situation like this? Not say anything publicly? I feel like our reaction to this comes off as hating. She’s critical of white supremacy, she points out a contradiction and I’d never heard of this story until you reported it, now I want to know how Colgate is going…
Stand your Geometry
I do feel like he’s trying to teach me about the lowest common denominator.
Well that damn liberal math uses Arabic numerals...ARABIC! We don’t want our kids learning any Sharia math based on symbols created by A-Rabs!
They’re in my top two with Tommy John.
They’re in my top two with Tommy John.
Not with LEDs
I would say it has something to do with vast segments of the American populace looking for an excuse to kill each other. But, y’know, I’m an optimist.
What I do for a living gives me to ability to afford consumer electronics. My money went to TCL’s competitor because their management team couldn’t plan their product development cycles around the biggest sales season and now I won’t need another one of their products for several years.
This is an argument I don’t get. Is the majority of the territory more important than the majority of the population? It’s not like geographic features vote. If most people live in urban areas, shouldn’t those urban areas have a commensurately large impact on voting?
Those that purposely put out false bullshit? There’s nothing wrong (well, there’s something wrong but that’s a fact of editorializing) with putting a subjective spin on objective truths, but to present objective falsehoods as factual news is horseshit.
You’re an idiot.
Nice to have you join us in the comments section, Mr President.
A grand old time as long as you’re not gay or a woman or Jewish.
Which only makes the story that much more inexcusable.
You might say they’re....