
I think most of it was the alternative was Jay Leno.

I would argue that this message is probably best communicated by a person of color (and indeed it has been many, many times).

I’d argue that in the fucked up world we live in, a cute white lady will be immensely more effective at doing it.
Proof is right there in your sentence. It’s been done many times by POCs

It’s a huge problem.

The judge didn’t have a lot of choice. When the prosecutor fails to oppose the defendant’s motion, absent some legal obstacle to the request, the Court is not supposed to delve into the details of an unopposed motion if there’s nothing illegal in the request. While it’s certainly up to the Judge’s discretion, the

This isn’t really the point, but I think a lot of research suggests that people, maybe especially men, drastically overestimate how much women speak in conversations and meetings. If a woman speaks at all, it’s perceived as her dominating the conversation, because women’s voice just aren’t considered as important or

Exactly, taking the meeting is good for optics/PR. That ish matters.

Even so, despite all the talk of comity and common ground, the White House came back with its bottom line after all had gone home.

I’d like to believe Biden met with the fascists knowing they’d bring some weak-ass proposal to him. Then he can reject it, push through his bill and go to the pubic to declare that he tried working with the GOP but their plan was nowhere near enough to help Americans in this time of multiple crises and they refused to

The only ones who are saying the amount needs to be lower are the Republicans who don’t want Biden to be successful, and Biden has signaled that he’s listening to the experts who say aid needs to be substantial and soon.

How does “we’re going to give you $2,000" translate in your head to “we’re going to give you $2,600"?

Yeah, the number proposed by the dems last fall/winter was always $2,000; it was never $2,600 (although that would be nice). If anything happened after the first of the year it was AOC and the like trying to move the goal posts ...

The headline you linked to literally says “DEMOCRATS PREPARED TO ACT ALONE.” And the entire article was about how the Biden administration is determined to get this “big plan” though, even with zero GOP support. So I don’t understand how your resulting “hot take” is that “Biden doesn’t seem to have budged on his

Cons always self-own like this and it’s never not funny.

It is seriously the best thing I’ve read in a long time and it explains Trump in a nutshell. Massive but fragile ego, the chip on his shoulder about being trashy new money that will never be accepted by the actual East Coast elite, the fact that he has millions of followers but that’s not enough because they mostly

There were disability reform protests that occurred at the US Capitol wherein most participants were either fully or partially disabled and of no threat to anyone that had a larger and better prepared police presence.

It’s like his cabinet resigning to avoid invoking the 25th, but announcing it as some great moral stance. 

They died doing what they loved.

The best I can say about her is the same I said about Herman Cain. They both died for their beliefs.

It’s a combination of both, and puts McConnell and the Senate seats he needs to win to stay in power in a bind. I hate Trump, but got to say this “fuck you all for not backing my coup attempt, I’ll just fiddle with what I can as America burns to the ground on my way out” might have just given the Democrats a win they

This seems more like a move to get back at McConnell for admitting Biden won the election; wounded animal lashing out and all.