Astrology is nonsense. It’s been shown time and again. Either we believe facts and evidence matter, or we don’t. It’s a gateway pseudoscience.
Astrology is nonsense. It’s been shown time and again. Either we believe facts and evidence matter, or we don’t. It’s a gateway pseudoscience.
Hey, astrology has been great for me. It’s as accurate as reading entrails, but not nearly as messy.
Batteries are always such a crapshoot. There are so many different brands, and the actual brands have like three different levels of Regular, ULTRA, and SUPER DUPER ULTRA. It’s impossible to know what’s real and what’s just marketing.
Every vaccine and every medical treatment we have is imperfect. The facts are that the vaccines significantly reduce your risk of getting COVID, passing it on, being hospitalized, or dying.
Yeah, I’ll be pretty shocked if the fascists don’t win a majority in both houses in 2022, and they’ll make their unprecedented obstruction of Obama’s agenda look quaint by comparison. I looking to get me and my family out of here.
Exactly! Denying people abortion is denying them essential healthcare. People have completely lost the plot if they’re criticizing Biden administration officials for defining abortion as healthcare and arguing for its continued protection.
Except there are plenty of groups that support abortion rights because abortion is healthcare. It’s an important and true talking point. So framing the right to abortion as the right to reproductive healthcare isn’t cowardly avoiding the issue; it’s critically arguing that abortion is essentially healthcare.
YUP! The right in the US gets away with so much shit because of their ability to dog whistle and use language that gets more support than blunter more direct statements would. They’re masters at dishonest dog whistles, and we’re not being dishonest here at all. Abortion IS reproductive healthcare. And using Psaki’s lan…
I think it’s untrue to say that cancel culture is a myth. The problem is the term is practically meaningless because it is used to describe so many different things from the perfectly reasonable to the problematic. The Dr. Suess Foundation choosing to no longer release relatively unpopular books due to racial…
Another 99-year old man with a variety of serious pulmonary and cardiac issues taken in the prime of his life.
That’s why we need to legalize and destigmatize sex work. Then we can get OSHA involved to protect people from toxic hazards on the job.
Yeah, Mel Brooks actually put a lot thought into his work. And some of it has aged poorly (comedy ages very quickly), and some of it was strongly criticized at the time. He accepted that, and there were plenty of lines that he consciously refused to cross.
Sure, but then you say, ‘You’re thinking of a number between one and ten.’ And when they agree you claim you read that in their mind. Proof positive.
We “knew” the earth was flat because it looks flat and it was a perfectly reasonable first assumption. Later, we found evidence that it wasn’t flat (e.g., eclipses, ships going over the horizon, seasons, gravity...), so we then accepted the theory that better explained the evidence. We change our beliefs based on…
1) Nice selective quotation there. I said “No one is saying that it’s 100% impossible for these rocks to have some unknown beneficial properties.” Which is different than saying “I don’t believe these rocks have these powers.” or “There is no evidence that these rocks have these powers.”
2) Yes, people do make…
You definitely have the burden of proof backwards. They are making a claim, and until they provide evidence for the claim, there is no reason to believe that it is true.
No one is saying that it’s 100% impossible for these rocks to have some unknown beneficial properties. We’re saying there is no evidence for that, so…
Absolutely not. Obviously, some evidence-free physics-defying claims about cool looking rocks are ridiculous propaganda and other evidence-free physics-defying claims about cool looking rocks are totes legit.
You’ve got the burden of proof completely backwards. There is no evidence that crystals do any of things that are claimed, so it is reasonable to believe they don’t. Also, science doesn’t “prove” things; it provides evidence for or against different claims.
Lol. They’re misrepresenting how these magic rocks work! None of this crystal stuff and how they positively and negatively affect "energy” flows is based on anything. The term" energy" is just being used to hand wave, and is not used in a way that any scientist or engineer would even recognize.
If people listened to POC regarding systemic racism, then we probably wouldn't have such a huge problem with systemic racism.