
I like SBC, ergo I must be a Trumper Republican? Did you miss the part where he exposed Giuliani - Trump’s personal lawyer - for the pervert creep he is?

Poor dear is she seeing a therapist? /s

17 law enforcement agencies

Another illustration that cancel culture is definitely a very common, very prevalent thing, but just not in the way the people who never shut up about it think.

What’s In the Bucket?

This happened to me a few years ago, and I still get chills every time I think about it.

This happened on Halloween night 6 years ago. I had been out partying with my friends for hours, so needless to say I was very drunk, and very tired of being in my makeup and heels. I was a student back then, and had no money to take a cab, so I left the bar and ran to catch the last subway (just before 2am). There


When they said he is suffering mild symptoms, I took that to mean he is on a respiratory already and close to death.

Thank You! I cannot deal with these people who think Trump is some kind of Machiavellian Super Nixon who leads everyone around by the nose and has some brilliant over reaching design. He’s an imbecile who pulls things out of his ass that has absolutely no credibility. Occam’s razor for Christ’s sake. 

People, can we please shut down the idea that this diagnosis is a hoax? Trump is not Machiavelli - he’s a schoolyard bully, and the thing bullies fear above all else is showing any sort of weakness. At every turn, even before he was elected, Trump has lied, deflected and projected to avoid admitting to the slightest

Imagine paying upwards of $250K just to catch a potentially fatal and debilitating disease.

Well that was certainly a lot of words, expressed as is your right, without much to say for themselves. Lots of straw man arguments, misrepresentations and miscontextualizations, and downright fallacies. Well done.

“Did I abuse my girlfriend? Yes. Did I choke her? Yes. Did I choke her in a hot tub the day after Christmas? No, absolutely not!”

On the one hand, i do think that early childhood education can help socialize people in positive, healthy ways. On the other hand, that is a fucking pathetic excuse for him to try to use, especially since he;s just trying to get people to start talking about his platform (which is good!) and to stop talking about his

Especially in two of the last four years when Clemson has won the CFP.

I know you know better than ungreying the troll.

A few hours later, I asked my brother for “help” with my algebra homework. By the end of the night, he’d done my homework for me.