Yes, it’s a shorthand reference to “I think this person did/said something bad/offensive and should be punished”. Based off the joke that they are being “cancelled” like a TV show people stop watching.
Yes, it’s a shorthand reference to “I think this person did/said something bad/offensive and should be punished”. Based off the joke that they are being “cancelled” like a TV show people stop watching.
But JK Rowling won’t ever meet most trans people, so will never have the opportunity to be nice to them face-to-face. And so for most trans people, there experience with JK Rowling will be that she used her significant platform to push ideas that are used to justify discrimination against trans people. Why isn’t that…
Get over the fact that other people, even people you like, won’t have the same opinion as you. Cancel culture is stupid.
One could say the same thing about Rowling. She should get over the fact that people don’t like her shitty opinions about transwomen. She posted them on Twitter. People are free to respond. That’s…
For you it’s fine. And, well, that’s fine.
“Cancelled” is a Twitter joke that right-wingers latched on to once they ran “woke” into the ground the same way they did “PC” and “SJW”. The phrase “cancel culture” means exactly what those things meant when used by them: “I want to be an asshole to anyone I want and not face the consequences.” It exists as a…
Yes, facing consequences for your actions and comments is stupid.
For these folks, the cruelty is the point. Their hate is more important than recognizing the humanity of others.
Yeah, and also, presumably they had different stuff in their apartments.
Having a gun is a lot of responsibility. You have to make sure you’re right before you shoot, not apologize after.
Quote: as if people with vaginas didn’t know about Kegels before this asshole stumbled upon them
Traditional pencils would actually be really problematic in space - you don’t want anything wooden that could catch fire, and graphite dust conducts electricity, which is also a definite faux-pas. Early space flights used mechanical pencils, but small broken pieces or graphite dust can float around and get into the…
Urban legend about the space pen.
I still support the idea that one might not be gay gay, but merely gay for Jamie.
So out of date black face jokes taken away are more akin to 1984 than the systemic oppression of an entire group of people for even saying the wrong thing to an officer?
Which is why Fey pointed out the difference between intent and impact. Impact > than intent. If the intent is to “acknowledge that the practice is offensive,” but the impact is that black people are reminded of the horrors of blackface and everything it entails and hurt by it, then the intent doesn’t matter. That she…
“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.”
In July 1932, the Nazis won the largest plurality (32 percent) in German parliament but had other parties formed a coalition, they could have held back the Nazis. But the other parties didn’t: they were obsessed with infighting over smaller differences and failed to see the larger, existential threat. This is that…
Hun, she didn’t wrongly think she knew the owners. She was consciously lying as a flex to put a person of color in his place, never dreaming for a minute that she was speaking to the owner himself.