Fucking up nice things for everyone...that’s what assholes do.
Fucking up nice things for everyone...that’s what assholes do.
I’m sure we can trust him with those numbers.
Are you kidding? Dying would be the ULTIMATE lib own!
Dear Dan Patrick:
Also, in case anybody was wondering what a complete sociopath COVID45 is (nobody should be but that’s another discussion altogether) one of the other reasons he wants to “hurry up and restart the economy” - which would not work and IDK whom he thinks works at his hotels and golf courses because we all read about how…
I think the thing people are missing is if (well, I guess, when) the healthcare system is overwhelmed EVERYONE dies. That kid having an anaphylactic reaction? Dead. That 20-something having an asthma attack? Dead. Pretty much anyone with cancer? Dead.
Literally the fucking people who were fearmongering over “socialist death panels” for seniors within extremely recent memory.
Wage earners are supposed to have 9 months of pay in reserve for emergencies, but corporations are so mismanaged that they are about to go bankrupt after two weeks of reduced profits.
OR maybe you can spend that time making sure your 4 and 6 year old don’t kill each other while you do meetings in your bedroom between running into their rooms to make sure they are doing the requisite amount of arts and crafts to pass for homeschool while cleaning your house because a 4 and 6 year old are in it all…
Counterpoint from The Atlantic.
I’m thinking about giving that whole “Grand Unified Field Theory” thing a shot.
Bernie also failed to reach out to black folks to build a coalition. That and yelling about marching with MLK 40 years ago but not doing shit else since then really hurt his cause.
Polls show Warren votes splitting nearly 50/50 to Biden and Sanders. You can’t just “give” them to Sanders. Bloomberg also got more votes than Warren in a number of those states, and if we are playing that game, those definitely do go to Biden near 100%.
It’s the 9th biggest state in the country and growing. North Carolina is purple, Obama won it, that’s why Bernie put some more elbow grease into campaigning there than other states in the South. Gaming, Tech and Medical Research and tons of Universities. It carries a lot of electoral college votes and tip an election.…
Biden will absolutely do better than Hillary because sexism. Bernie did well in Oklahoma in 2016, not so much this year.
I haven't had my say either. Our primary is at the end of April but I'm going to suck it up buttercup and take the choice given to me in November. If you choose to not vote for Biden, that's your right but don't call for others to have theirs taken just because of where they live and vote. If they choose Biden over…
California, Washington, Michigan, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Vermont, Illinois, Maine, Nevada, Virginia, Colorado, New Hampshire would like a word with your manager sir. More Blue & Swing States have voted than Red Out of the 27 states have voted so far 12 are Red States. Out of the 12 Sanders won three Red States. Bide…
FWIW I’m in CA and voted for Warren, whom already dropped out. This isn’t a pro-Biden comment, its an, let’s act like fucking adults and vote blue in Nov. Too much is at stake for you to throw a temper tantrum.
So you’re not participating because Bernie isn’t the nominee?