
Amazing and about time!

What are you trying to prove by just making up future scenarios?

Even if the cops’ story is 100% true, the bottom line is that two officers weren’t able to handle a call about an unarmed drunk guy asleep in his car without killing him.

I think they should just make it a rule that everyone, except maybe Washington and Lincoln, can only be on a piece of currency for a set period of time at one time. Then we wouldn’t be such a big deal to cycle through people. We could also try non-politicians for a change. 

Obviously, if someone has ever had some underlying health issue, then it’s not the police’s fault for murdering them. They were going to die in the next several decades anyway.

How could they have known that people with chronic lung and heart issues exist? It’s not like the guy told them he couldn’t breathe, and they ignored him like sociopaths or anything. 

Yup. We give them the authority to use violence to protect our constitutional rights. That authority should come with more responsibility to behave correctly not less. 

So Rage Against the Machine has sucked since they finished naming the band?

The oppressors always claim that they’re the ones with the jackboots on their necks. They need to so they can grab more and more authoritarian powers to defend homeland from the anarchists and traitors.

He’s arguing that the guy is Antifa, and that he took a dive to make the police look bad. Basically he was willing to put himself in intensive care to make to defame Buffalo's professional peace officers. He probably also used his mind control powers to make dozens of officers walk by him as he bled from the head.

This is why it’s important to remember the rotten apple spoils the bunch. A bad apple pushes the guy over and rotten bunch walk right on by and lie on the official report. A bad apple chokes a man to death while the rotten bunch watches and covers for him. A bad apple plants evidence while the rotten bunch watches and

Ironically, the military would probably act a lot more professionally than a lot of wannabe warrior cops.

I’m pretty sure a sitting US senator can readily find a platform to spew hate from. He wouldn't have been silenced if the NYT responsibly chose to pass on it. 

Drug enforcement policies are now being selectivity used to oppress minorities and left-wing agitators!? That’s absurd! /s

You can see this in fiction. Darth Vader slaughtered innocents for decades and audiences felt he was redeemed by a single deathbed sacrifice, but no one would ever forgive him if he drowned a puppy.

Excellent point, especially because we only know what the producers decided to show us. And you know if she was crying and such people would just accuse her of faking for the cameras. 

We only saw what the producers wanted us to see. The lead investigator who was interviewed on the show said his material was edited to look more like he thought Carole was guilty even though he said they never found any evidence that a crime was even committed.

Yeah, by that logic, every drunk driver that gets home safe didn’t do anything wrong.

If there’s more to the story, then release the body cam footage. It would certainly be a comfort to the community to know your officers are racial profiling. 

Of course, there’s more to the story. Do we expect people to just start filming cops every time we see them in public? They didn’t start recording until the fucked up shit happened. And you know if the rest of the story exonerated the police officer, then that body cam footage would have been leaked immediately.