
Apparently racism is considered essential work. 

TERF’s really want to make TERF a slur even though it’s a straight-forward descriptor. I would argue that the R should mean “reactionary” instead of “radical” since there’s nothing radical about being transphobic.

Shut the goddamn fuck up about “class prejudice” against rich fucking assholes. If being rich causes such a fucking hardship, then give your money away. Off load the oppressive burden of your wealth onto to poor people. I bet you’ll find a lot of people willing to share the load, you greedy fucks.

And if he lose amidst a depression and plague, he and his sycophants will do everything to whip up their racist militia types into a violent frenzy. This could get really fucking ugly. There are already tons of posts from black helicopter survivalist gun nuts drooling over the prospect of murdering their neighbors to

I seethe with rage any time Ammon Bundy comes up. Why is this fucking terrorist still at large? Black kids playing with toys, guys reaching for wallets, guys selling loose cigarettes get straight up murdered, but this fucker leads an armed militia to occupy a federal reserve and has his men train their rifles on

Yeah, we wanted to host a public educational webinar about grad school options for seniors now facing a very uncertain employment environment, but we had to limit it to our own students who mus register beforehand. It really limits the accessibility, but we'll make the video available afterwards. 

Yeah, that was the point they we're totally missing. You're free to fuck and they may lead to a baby with some luck and right parts, but you're not free to risk the lives of others to get you pregnant. It's beyond disingenuous to pretend to not understand the difference. 

Exactly. This isn't a new thought for them. They've argued for years that the sick and poor should just die for the good of the billionaires. He just forgot the dog whistle. 

Does Patrick WANT a communist revolution? Because this is how you get a communist revolution. 

The idea that Biden would appoint conservative justices is ludicrous. He’s much more progressive than Clinton in 1992, and he gave us RBG and Breyer. Also Biden voted against Alito.

Lol. The point is Biden has won more red, purple, and blue states than Sanders and he is polling ahead of him everywhere now.

That’s a point that hasn’t really been made enough. I believe Bernie has received fewer votes in every state this year than he did in 2016. He had four years to build a coalition and he failed. It’s the people who have rejected Bernie, but many Bernie-or-busters just won’t accept it.

Some people have spoken, people in areas that will eventually go for Dump, but others of us have not spoken.

Yeah, having to choose between the least bad option is part of being an adult. Every “just” war every fought was a lesser evil.

We will already have a conservative majority on SCOTUS until the 2030s. RBG and Breyer are 86 and 81, respectively, while Thomas is the oldest conservative at only 71. If Trump replaces RBG

So ME, MA, MN, VA, MI, IL, and FL (all states that went to Obama twice) are unwinnable red states now?
Biden also has double digit polling leads in WI, PA, and OH where Obama won twice and Clinton lost.
Also, 2 of Bernie’s 7 wins came from UT and ND, where no Democrat has come close to winning in decades.

The states choose for themselves when to hold their primaries. It’s not Biden’s fault that states have chosen to hold primaries in June since presidential primaries began. Those were the rules of the game before the election even started. 

Biden has won most of the blue and purple states too, so that logic doesn’t really hold.

Sanders yhas won 3 swing states: NV, CO, and NH with a total of 19 electoral votes.
Biden has won 7: AZ, MN, MI, VA, NC, ME, and FL with 98 electoral votes.
Based on polling, Biden is also a double digit favorite in OH, WI, and PA,

Local fines should all be pooled into a big statewide fund that is reallocated back to cities and counties based on population or other factors. Then local police don’t have any direct revenue incentive to write more tickets.

I’m almost always barefoot in my house. But my temperature runs pretty hot, so insulation isn't really necessary. 

It depends what your goal is. If your goal is clinks, then the current title is much better. If you care about informing as many people as effectively as possible about critical public health information, then you’re absolutely right.