
Well, if that happened (it didn’t) that conversation is still pretty damning. Why would his players even know he wanted a pass unless he brought it up? Do these kids just preemptively reward good white folks by telling them to say the n-word? Maybe it’s a test? Because an actually good (or not super-racist at least)

However, the co-founder in the red shirt from the other video goes right up and over. 

The wall is obviously bullshit and far from impenetrable, but both those climbers grabbed the side, which wouldn’t there wide lengths of wall. 

It’s 100% true. I was scared that Trump would have an absolute hard-on for being a war president, but so far he actually seems to honestly not want to start a war. He’s still a petty idiot who may start a war regardless, but GWB wanted the war in Iraq from the start and was willing to say/do anything to get it.

Could we please consider for a second that GWB is a war criminal whose lies led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and the eventual rise of ISIS?

Remember that having different political affiliations is just like rooting for different sports teams. It is downright unseemly to hold the harm an opposing party or politician actively does or enables against them ever.

Yes, GWB may be a war criminal for starting an illegal and unnecessary war of aggression. Yes, he

Yeah, putting her on the stand was a stupid idea in hindsight. 

That “mistake of fact” defense is such bullshit in cases like this. The person choosing to use deadly should be responsible for having their facts straight.

You really have to twist the meaning of “accident” to come to the that conclusion. Sure, going to the wrong apartment was an accident, but shooting the man in that apartment with the intent to kill him was completely intentional. She also could have chosen to provide immediate medical aid, and she could have chosen

Right on!

This chick is just a Dollar Tree level grifter.

Actually, the paper was retracted by the journal for being dishonest pseudoscience that led to children dying. Andrew Wakefield, the author, had is medical license revoked for the ethical violations related to the study, but he is still a true believer and a celebrity in anti-vax circles.

Automakers also know which way the long-term trends are going, so why would they disrupt their whole production cycle for this temporary rollback. They don’t want the rollback because then it creates at least a temporary competitive edge for whoever does weaken their environmental controls, which creates a chaotic

Living in a cold and uncaring universe?

States Rightsers have never cared about the federal government forcing positions they support on other states. It’s always been a farce.

Also, like so much of the debates, it doesn’t address the fact that such a proposal would require congressional support that just isn’t there. If the Dems work really hard, and get really lucky then they may have a tied senate with a Democratic VP casting the tiebreaker. Maybe, they have a one seat majority. If they

NCAA said they just couldn’t compete in championships. If they had a bigger threat (like complete ineligibility), they would have led with that.

Lol. You think star players will prioritize competing for NCAA Championships over making money? Nah.
There’s a lot to sort out, but that’s why they gave three years to figure it out. Other states will probably follow suit before 2023 and force the NCAA’s hand. 

That just shows how dumb an argument this actually is. Most kids will roll their eyes and think you're an idiot, and the ones who believe you will desperately try to learn magic. I guess there's a small subset of gullible obedient children, but they were fine anyway.