
It’s a pretty colonialist attitude to argue we should use military force to stop a country from exploiting their own natural resources. What if countries threatened to invade the US to stop us from mining our coal and gas reserves?

The filibuster for all judicial nominees is already gone, and shutting doesn’t stop congress from meeting, holding hearings, and voting. Schumer and the dems could do very little in their official capacity except try to drag their feet. However, if the Dem strategy was at all effective, then McConnell and the senate

Having cancer come back is not a good sign. Also, cancer in you mid-80s is much more dangerous than in your mid-70s. 

I know. Plenty of Republicans can’t/couldn’t stand Trump, but they understood the power of SCOTUS and the rest of the federal judiciary. If something happens to RBG, even a complete Democratic takeover in 2020 won’t be able to undo the damage for decades.

Yeah, the good guys are holding two prime time townhalls to discuss each of their candidates climate change mitigation policies, while the bad guys actively deny that climate change exists and have been rolling back environmental protections for two and half years now. It’s so hard to tell the difference.

Saying the RNC is the same as the DNC is like saying an arsonist is the same as a volunteer fire department especially on the issue of climate change. One party actively denies that climate change even exists, and their leader said it was actually a Chinese hoax, while the other accepts that it exists and must be

No they haven’t, which is one of the exact points they made. If you hold this single-topic debate and not others, then it seem inherently more important than other issues (e.g., immigration, the economy, foreign policy, civil rights, healthcare).

That’s a interpretation is incorrect and overly simplistic. Saying I could care less is essentially the same as damning with faint praise. If a friend asked me how they looked and I said that I’ve met uglier people, should they take that as a complement or an insult?

Going off half-cocked with unvetted information is how you start unfounded panics. It would be absolutely idiotic to share preliminary information before all the facts were assembled. The CDC doesn’t give a fuck about click bait. The people who got sick probably vaped a variety of different products. Some of the

I’ll keep enjoying a conscience clear of contributing to the deaths of children from easily preventable diseases. You should try it some time. It's better than being on team pestilence. 

Thank you for teaching me how to do real internet research.

50 whole patents! Holy shit! It’s like the CDC is a huge public health agency with an annual budget of over $1 billion. You’ve really cracked the case.

Well you would probably know better than the experts at the CDC who have been studying the issue for decades.

No, my point is that no one would call a model of this sort with 10% false positives to be “absolutely fantastic.” Accusing every 10th person of being an imminent threat of committing a mass shooting is a terrible model by any standard. 

If your model says that 10% of people are imminent threats to become mass shooters, then your model is ridiculously terrible. 

It should be noted that a lot of flights are for work and people are often required by their employer to pick the cheapest fare no matter how shitty they are treated.

Yeah, why do these democratically elected representatives think they can tell us how to run the government!?

Literally every chemical found in food can be found in vomit.

Literally every chemical found in food can be found in vomit.

It really shows how futile third party runs are under the current system. He won 19% of the vote and not a single electoral vote. And remember, if no one wins an outright majority of electoral votes (270), then it goes to the House of Representatives, who vote by state and not by individual congressperson in this case