
I agree. I think it’s bad messaging that plays right in the right’s accusations that the left want completely open borders. I think a message around humane immigration laws puts the argument where the left wants it: Cruel vs. Humane. Abolish ICE just reinforces rightwing messaging that the argument is Completely Open

Yeah, no one said it was automatically illegal to take a picture of someone in the public without your consent. But the legality of what you do with such a picture does vary based on whether or not a person is easily identifiable or the obvious subject of the picture.
Again, none of that has anything to do with

You’re completely wrong both ethically and legally. Acting smug because you ignore all nuance and context, doesn’t actually make you smart. You’re just another ignorant arrogant jerk on the internet.

We get it. You’re an asshole. I just don’t understand why you’re so smug about it.
No one is saying that you’re not allowed to be an asshole. You can, but don’t be upset when people think you’re an asshole.

Of course you can. I can still see the value in disco music even though the disco era ended before I was born. But the battle is already over, so there’s no need to keep fighting it.

To be clear though, “literally” has been used non-literally for centuries. Basically, people are just lashing out at the rest of the world for not complying with the arbitrary and incomplete rules/definitions they were taught.

The word “literally” has been used hyperbolically for emphasis for centuries. Charles Dickens used “literally” this way in 1839: “his looks were very haggard, and his limbs and body literally worn to the bone…“. “Literally” is essentially just a synonym for “actually” or “seriously” or even “really.” If I jokingly

How old are you? If you’re under 60 or so then “awesome” has been popularly used this way for at least half your life. Using “awesome” to mean “cool” was mainstream in the 1980s, and it’s first recorded use to mean “impressive” or “very good” occurred in 1961 (, so this is an

No one opposes the evolution of language prior to what they were taught and internalized as children. That’s when the language was perfected, and you vulgarians have been ruining it ever since.

I think it’s funny that they thought this was a deal at all. It’s a deal or bribe as much as it’s a statement of fact since if they quit doing abortions, then increased restrictions on funding groups that do abortions would no longer apply to them. Any Republican administration would love that headline at any time, so

First off, it’s not a joke; it’s just a lie. Secondly, it’s a lie meant to cause a significant emotional response; that’s actually why it’s “funny.” It’s why people lie about engagements, pregnancies, and even deaths instead of about finding a quarter on the ground. Finally, you can have your views on reproduction,

Your life must be crazy if you’re only every offended by the worst possible thing imaginable. Can we please be more offended by genocide; instead of sexual harassment? Why aren’t you out curing malaria instead of chastising people for pointing out the fact that a cruel stupid joke is cruel and stupid. 

I told you that a perfectly believable thing had happened, but that thing actually had not happened. You look so foolish! Ha Ha!

I don’t know what if any studies he’s talking about, but my inkling would be that he only hears from conservatives bitching about their bad grades. Liberals aren’t reaching out to the guy, and conservatives with good grades aren’t either. If you only listen to conservative snowflakes complaining about how everything

It’s really just fun trivia from the 15th century. Groups of crows are almost always called flocks by ornithologists and birders.

Cruz was not a register Democrat. Quit spreading lies that were immediately debunked.

Most everyone here clearly thinks stamping them out by shutting their voice down will push them out to the degree where they won’t be a problem.

This argument is pretty misguided. Government censorship is a problem because it is effective. Censorship works. That’s why people get so up in arms about it.

That was my thought. They need to interbreed at this point anyway. Four individuals is not a sustainable breeding population no matter what happens to Sudan. Get as much of Sudan’s sperm as possible and then put together a repopulation plan.

I never understood why poachers bothered to get real rhino horn for sham medicine. Just grind up a bunch of hair and fingernail clippings and you can honestly market it as the same active ingredient as rhino horn (i.e., keratin). These scumbag poachers are willing to slaughter endangered species and sometimes people