
Why bother going after pickpockets when big companies steal more from their employees and customers than all other thieves combined?

Almost all questions about tipping come down to the idea that some/most of restaurants are scummy and treat their servers poorly, so it’s the responsibility of the customers to look out for them. I don’t know of any other low-wage jobs where this is the attitude. No one suggests I tip cashiers at Walmart or

I don’t know about anyone else, but when Amazon writes an articles suggesting I should pay them a certain way so they can illegally under-report income, then I’ll still be there complaining too.
The idea that we need to actively support small scale tax evasion if we’re going to purchase things from companies that

Ok, you realize the server that wrote the article literally listed under-reporting tips as a reason to tip in cash, right? It wasn’t some crazy accusation made up in the comments section.

If this was an article where Jeff Bezos asked us to change the way we pay Amazon so they could illegally evade taxes, then yes I would complain about it.

I wouldn’t rat a server out for under-reporting tips, but don’t tell me I should tip in cash to facilitate their tax evasion.

You could just as easily flip your question:

I don’t carry cash unless I know I’m going to need cash. I’ve done that essentially my whole adult life (I’m 36), and I’ve never really had any issues. I don’t know about your tamale woman, but tons of small one-person business have card readers for their phones or tablets.

Obviously we aren’t going to completely get rid of cash in the near future, but you’d have to be willfully ignorant to not realize how much less cash is used now. I’m in my mid-thirties and the median amount of cash I carry is $0. I get cash when I know I’m going to need cash, and I’ve never had any significant issues

Did you read the article? The server who wrote the article literally listed tax evasion as a reason to tip in cash. It’s not something the commenter just made up to throw aspersions.

That’s completely false. Homer has been an abusive negligent entitled alcoholic from the get-go. He regularly STRANGLES his son!

Homer is an abusive and negligent father. He’s lazy, incompetent, and stupid. He’s a horrible husband and an alcoholic. Despite his shortcomings, everything almost always works out for him. He’s whiny lazy shitbag who complains when everything doesn’t go his way. He’s the perfect embodiment of the modern Republican

One of the big myths about food waste is that eating food is inherently less wasteful than throwing it out. Many (most?) of us could benefit from eating less, and cramming food down our gullet that we don’t really want when we’re already full only serves to make us fatter and less healthy, and that extra food becomes

That’s the real point. The time and energy required to bring two people an entree and an extra plate is almost identical to bringing one person an entree. Why should the tip double for grabbing a plate? If we split two appetizers should we tip as if we got two entrees? If we get two cheap entrees should we tip as if

Why bother ski jumping when it’s faster/easier to just ski down the hill? Why run a marathon when a car can go 26.2 miles in under half an hour?
I remember when “special snowflakes” were people pretending to be special or wanting to be treated as special for no good reason, but now it apparently applies to anyone who

He’s not a show-off; he’s a creator trying to challenge himself to meet a personal goal. His goal wasn’t to just make a game; it was to make a game that runs in a Genesis cartridge on original Genesis hardware.

Yeah, he’s just trying to figure things out like now claiming a dead guy was there to verify the score even though he said the dead guy wasn’t there when the guy was alive. Which leaves the only living witness as a notorious cheater. Then there’s also the fact that faking the footage to look like MAME would require a

A dead guy he originally said wasn’t there, but then changed his story after the guy died. What terrible luck.

If the last year has taught us anything it’s that you can tell exactly jack about what a person is really like from their interviews and public persona. For what it’s worth, he’s always come off to me like exactly the sort of person who would cheat for the “glory”. He was the king fish in this little pond, and he had

There’s no discussion to be had when the answer to your question is just “Yes, your wrong.” Perhaps the person who has been deaf for 15 years and used the word deaf throughout the article knows more than you. Perhaps people in every minority group get sick of answering ignorant questions all day.