
THANK YOU. Yes, basic here is meant that she wasn’t into interesting, edgy things and may have dared to like some common, popular things. It is a term almost exclusively levied against women and I hate it. And men are never called basic for liking football or beer.

She called him Mac. I knew listening to the full length Forgetting Sarah Marshall DVD commentary would come in handy one day. One of the cast members in that movie told a story on the commentary that Mila kept referring to her boyfriend “Mac” and everybody was shocked when he visited set one day and “Mac” turned out

She was on the otherwise delightful Keep It podcast about a week ago and she was the wooorst interview subject. She really believes this Triumphant Return narrative she has constructed for herself, and would not stop going on about how much she has overcome. Like, you had a spate of bad press and were out of favor

It’s always someone else’s fault in his world. He will pretend to take responsibility for his actions and then slowly back away and offer reasons that well, actually, it wasn’t that bad and someone else is partly to blame.

The “woe is me, I’m so messed up and she deserves better” horse shit that he pulls on her and her FAMILY makes me irate.

Jax is an absolute garbage trash monster. Do not be fooled by his happy face. He is manipulative and generally horrible to his betrothed. Brittany is sweet but willfully naive, having barreled past every red flag that has been waved in her face (including him cheating on her and making it partly her fault, and

“One of my love languages is personal touch.” Ewwwwwwww

Apparently the actress who played Lana Lang was also briefly tied to NXIVM, but it sounds like she was never involved in the criminal aspects of it (based on her statement). Obviously this is horrible for the victims, but it’s insane to me that CHLOE from Smallville was involved in a sex trafficking cult.

It was that tweet and the one that followed that almost made me want to join the twitter pile-on they were so infuriating. YOU lost YOURSELF a job by your slurs and bullshit moral equivalency and Nazi sympathizing. Don’t lecture a bunch of people on twitter with your “with great power comes great responsibility”

It says she was originally working for Strider, who was the campaign’s faith and values advisor, and after she reported the incident part of the solution was to assign her to work for HRC’s deputy-campaign manager. To me, that sounds like the substance of her job probably changed.

I am so sick of the “let’s just reassign the woman” ‘solution’ to sexual harassment incidents. It’s happened to me and so many other professional women I know. “Hm, this senior person acted inappropriately? I know, we’ll give him a slap on the wrist and totally alter the trajectory of the victim’s career. Seems fair

If only he had a platform to tell his side of the story, perhaps in a wispy nostalgic tone, while taking loud breaths into a microphone.

He is occasionally on episodes of Keeping up with the Kardashians, as a friend/hanger-on of Kim.

Obviously Cheban is terrible, and a total fame whore sycophant, this is all a given. But what REALLY gets me about his food schtick is that he’s not even an adventurous eater. On last week’s painfully embarrassing episode with him, he orders tuna poke, has clearly never heard of poke before, and pronounces it wrong.

That’s unfortunate. I know two ND grads and they are both solid people, so I just figured ND was pretty relaxed.

As the owner of a Dry Bar Buttercup dryer I will not stop you.

Aw this is bullshit. Obviously Trump and his enablers are vindictive reprobates who want to control women under the guise of some insincerely asserted moral beliefs but COME ON. I don’t know why I thought Notre Dame would be better than to sink to this but I did. I know it’s Catholic, but I thought it was

The new Sephora weekly wow deals are killing me. I love it. And hate it. Give me all the things.

20% of the time, it works every time.

(1) this sounds delicious. (2) word of advice (if you haven’t done this already): get your FIL to write down these recipes WHILE he is making them. Depending on how old your kids are, have them make the dish with him and take copious notes. It’ll be a bonding thing and you’ll preserve these great family recipes.