
Exactly. As long as the polls remain the same, I think Obama should threaten to pull the Garland nomination if they don’t hold a confirmation vote in the next 2 weeks. Then Hillary should nominate a Ginsberg clone who is in their 40's. Obama gave them a fair compromise pick and they ignored it. There needs to be

False. Was not in ALL CAPS.

Really? Then maybe some Republicans will actually read it since it’s in their preferred format.

I saw this on the interwebs somewhere - not sure who it’s attributed to - but god damn it is spot on and worth a re-post elsewhere.

Don’t blame me, I’m voting Meteor.

It’s going to be so much fun if this election ends up in court a la Bush v Gore and then the Supreme Court is deadlocked 4-4.

By clicking on the article and commenting, you increased the page views and indicated that the site should continue to provide this content.

Please cheatedlions get back to what you’re good at and away from commenting

They have this new feature on Deadspin which allows you to scroll down and not have to click every article if you are not satisfied with the topic. You should check it out.

You get a star for calling out Donald Trump’s hypocrisy!

This is almost as good as his pro-Asbestos take.

Glad to see him dismissing any lingering health concerns about Hillary.

Dean has been getting a lot of shit for that tweet. His mistake was to use his verified account to push the rumor about a political enemy instead of spreading the gossip via a friendly ‘news’ network, left-wing blogs, and an army of Russian trolls.


A presidential candidate just suggested that the American public should watch a sex tape.

You understand that just because something changes cyclically, it doesn’t mean there can’t also be an upward trend, right? Because those papers are discussing an upward trend - and a trend that’s increasing over time - but are speculating as to why it isn’t matching what’s expected given measured temperature

Um, have you actually read your cited articles? Did you actually understand them? Because going down your list, a cursory examination of the sources would seem they’re indicating the opposite of what you’re claiming they are.

Yeah! The yelling orange man said it was a hoax! SAD!

Here you go, but don’t let pesky facts by scientists get in the way of your arguments. As someone else pointed out, citation or GTFO!

Bwahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!