
I've always thought of it as the true Present, but then Scrooge goes back in time to the morning and everything resets like Groundhog Day.

They could do some interesting stuff with the "Spanish Rose" angle and Jennifer Lopez, though it could use a little revision for modern eyes.

This made me appreciate the changes the movie made to the order of songs and such to add some more conflict/stakes. I was distracted by Link's overdone contouring and eyeliner.

Not just too skinny, but a freakin' Jenny Craig spokesman.

They actually showed her body burning on the floor of the tent, so they must have dragged her in.

The picture of William's fiance/Logan's sister was the same one that Abernathy found in episode 1, setting off the violent delights thing.

The picture of Logan's sister still proves that it's an earlier timeframe.

Did you miss the disappearing gun, changing dead dad, getting shot then suddenly not shot, disappearing little girl, double Doloreses, constant visions of the white church town, voice in head saying "remember" all the time, etc?

Those secret meetings with clothed Dolores and Bernard dressed in black have gotta be flashbacks to Arnold encouraging her to find sentience. Ford pitched a hissyfit when a tech tried to cover robot junk while programming, no way he'd let his stooge do that.

If there's no significance to the logos, why did they go to the trouble of digitally altering the one in the background?

Plus we now have confirmation that making robot duplicates of real people is a thing…Bernarnold would just be an extension of what was done with Ford's family.

Heck, the orgy last week was tamer than what I expect from these shows. I feel like on GOT we'd have seen like five of Logan's sex adventures by this point rather than one brief foursome scene.

But that's exactly it: the logo from the screenshot was edited out of the actual episode and changed to the retro looking one, which if anything is evidence that there's something important about the two logos.

In the flashback to the early days, we saw a scratched up lady host who was bleeding (on an unrelated note, she might be the snake bandit lady in another role or else someone who looks a lot like her.)

That's one of the reasons people believe the timeline theory. We haven't seen Maeve, Teddy, or Hector anywhere in William's storyline, which could be because they don't exist yet/are doing other roles. He walked in to see soldiers recruiting at the same post where we've otherwise seen guests being introduced to the

Ford said the drinking buddy was the second one they ever built.

Aha! Forgive me, I can't math and misplaced ten years. :P She's still going to look really young next to the other "parent" characters (Chenoweth, Fierstein, Martin Short, and Andrea Martin.) While it's not at all unrealistic to have the parents be a wide range of ages, she's going to stand out as the youngest and