
The best explanation I've seen for the Night King's actions is that he set the whole thing up so he could get a dragon.

I hope their middle names are Felix and Scott.

Everybody else has pointy shoulder pads and cloaks that make their shoulders look broad while he's wearing "dadbod" armor.

Probably Art's ex-wife and daughter, who they sent Kira and Charlotte to stay with in a previous episode.

She was a transfer, but it was never said the new inmates were from max. Ouija is in there for WIC fraud, for example.

"I’m still confused where all those hits are coming from…"

The second wife and husband are still free, so it's unlikely Alison's crime has anything to do with polygamy. They showed her doing something with halal labels and meat in her kitchen, so it probably had to do with government regulations or fraud. That seems to fit her character more than an act of violence against

They showed her doing something with labels and boxes in the kitchen. I would guess she's in for fraud by selling meat as halal that actually isn't. Nothing to do with the second wife (since both the husband and sister wife are still free) other than the feeling of being replaced.

That's what I was hoping for. :(

The actual Australian dude (Puck) wasn't even wearing a hat. The reviewer was complaining about the Scottish guy being an Australian stereotype because of his hat (which didn't even have corks on it.)

I thought it was him at first because the Christmas special was many months ago and I don't remember what the dude looked like or that he even had a name. I did remember aged down Sun with her half ponytail fighting a boy and thought they'd just reused the shots. I like it better this way as a more believable

That's been the whole series for me: "Ah she's the villain and he's her poor innocent victim - oh wait, he's out of control and she's just doing her best in an impossible - ohhh I see, they're both victims AND villains and there's like shades of gray and stuff…"

Exactly! We know he likes Aku-like girls and now he has 7 6 chasing him! (unless he already got laid in the 50 years and those are his biological daughters, in which case Jack/Aku should work things out for the sake of THEIR children!)

Jack getting his shirt (or more) ripped off was a cartoon "sexual awakening" moment for more than a few young viewers…

Back in the day I was part of a fan forum that had acronyms for Jack's various states of undress and dishevelment. I predict we'll find out if he still wears fundoshi soon enough.

It wouldn't be Samurai Jack without his clothes getting ripped off! :D With the freedom to do more adult content, will Jack finally get laid?

And it was a sting operation orchestrated by the FBI, so these guys only THOUGHT they were aiding our enemies and the weapons were never going to make it there.

Not to mention it was a sting operation, so the FBI were the actual "masterminds"…

Yeah the tension between the two of them makes me think they're fleshing out that particular relationship. I would bet there are a few things Handler would like to revise and introduce earlier now that he knows where the story goes.

I didn't fully understand this before 2016, but I now realize the books aren't as exaggerated as they seem. I can picture a sequel series where the Baudelaires become campaign interns for a bunch of ridiculous adults.