The movie changed things up to showcase Ann Margaret as much as possible, which is understandable. However, it also neutered the main conflict and watered down the theme in favor of goofy special effects.
The movie changed things up to showcase Ann Margaret as much as possible, which is understandable. However, it also neutered the main conflict and watered down the theme in favor of goofy special effects.
The show makes fun of early 60s culture too, but from the perspective of the actual time period. For instance, the Elvis-ish character is a skeevy jerk of questionable talent who the writers clearly had no idea would become a legendary icon and rock & roll just seems to be another passing fad.
In my film class they said there are no rules for what counts as supporting and used that as an example. Hudson was tagged as supporting so she'd have a chance to win, and so they could claim Beyonce wasn't nominated because of all the best actress competition.
Robotic bees as a weapon for the internet hate machine (and a metaphor for how it is now)? Princess Merida and the faceless Waif as a crime-solving duo, cussing in adorable accents? Yeah, I'm pretty sure this episode was AMAZING.
She's kind of young to be playing the wise matriarch role. Did she have Seaweed when she was 9?
Now I'm picturing the zombies saving the day in that scene like the t-rex in Jurassic Park.
I think he was just being a goofball like "I'm British too, jk lol!"
The woman in the picture were wearing bikinis. In the water they'd be a beautiful human submarine for the fetuses.
According to Wikipedia, 46% of Puerto Ricans are part black. Most are a varied mix of white, black, and/or indigenous.
Yeah those shows don't have this kind of budget and effects. I've only seen like a handful of them, but I don't recall any sex scenes either. I do wonder if the funny accents are part of the show within the show.
This is probably giving AHS way too much credit, but I thought they might be going for an obscure historically accurate circa Shakespeare accent: ?
And Red's bunkmate was sleeping there after having stayed up all night so she wouldn't bother her with the snoring.
Haha, those Frey dudes were totally out of Monty Python with the costumes, accents, and general incompetence.
Yeah, Arya used a face to take out Trant and got blinded for it.
And then we get a Three Amigos plot with the Braavosi players being hired to save Westeros!
Nope, they're not wasting the effects budget making a smoking hot girl look arbitrarily hotter when it would be better spent on clone interactions. We've already seen Tat looking ab-tastic as Beth and Alison this season; any differences in physique are wardrobe/lighting/posture and contouring body makeup at most.
I'm sure a lot of people are squicked because of Susan's age, but there are legit reasons to be squicked here. They specifically said that Susan "raised" Ira which makes it messed up whether or not he calls her mother. (Rachel even feels that Susan raised him instead of her.) It's like if Dr. Leekie had groomed Rachel…
I'm wondering if Brightborn could use Helena's pregnancy to manipulate her (like if there's complications) but it would be nice if Sarah could lean on her since they haven't interacted much this season.
Yeah I could understand them wanting the deformed babies, but the doctor seemed surprised when you'd think they could do an ultrasound and know what to expect.