
Donnie is getting the baby rabies too. They're also building up conflict between Alison and Sarah. I can see Alison and Donnie being tempted by a deal with the devil, causing a huge clone club feud. And with Felix being more Team Alison these days and Sarah getting on everyone's bad side this season, maybe she'll end

That's very true. It started with Felix having to be bff to every clone, but Mrs. S, Donnie, Scott, and Art have all done similarly.

Kira warming up to her makes me think she's not evil, but she could be a pawn who doesn't know what's going on similar to Donnie.

I actually liked Susan better as a character this episode (up until mother/son swim time.) I liked seeing her out of the terrarium, and that she immediately knew which clone was which. "Geez Evie, Cosima's the smart one with glasses and Krystal's the ditzy blonde, do you even watch this show?" *whips out Funko Pop

And yet Alison's fine-tuned fertility clinic investigation went off without a hitch compared to Sarah's idiocy at the dentist office. Not pulling her weight, pfft.

That first commercial was so goofy I thought it had to be some show-within-a-show thing. Rachel using her bionic eye to watch NASCAR would be a twist no one would expect.

During the scene with Rachel and Susan, I had some sort of DVR glitch. It showed Rachel's eye, a couple commercials, and then cut back in mid-conversation like: "You're right, I should let the little girl die." So at first I thought Rachel was watching TV with her prosthetic eye and was trying to figure out how

Yes! It should be like that scene in Mulan!

The characters don't really have any way to be sure of that. Sure, she could probably guess that's part of why he was scared and feel guilty, but nobody on the show knows about her monologue echoing through his head.

It's because the biggest complaint about the last season (and the MCU in general) is lack of diversity, and fans want to see POC in prominent roles other than "best friend." So Disney/Marvel's been using their TV shows to address that, mainly with POC love interests (while keeping the movies white dude centered, for

He didn't attack children during the birthday party, he attacked the kid's mother while she was putting away the bouncy house. (The reviewer also mistook the zombie guy for the father of the family; they look alike but were two different neighbors.) Maddy could have helped but made a survivalist choice to protect her

She should at least have dark roots by now. Though Helena's roots also magically stay the same length, no matter how much time she spends in captivity.

Yeah, if they meant her to look exactly like the Ledas they'd have used Tatiana for the picture on the dresser.

I think the picture of the woman on the dresser was young Kendall with baby Siobhan, showing that she didn't look like a Leda when she was younger. Since she's a chimera, her looks are a mix of both Castor/Leda rather than just Leda.

I think I've heard he's pansexual/doesn't really like to put a label on it?

We have no reason to think Connie was expecting an IUI (syringe full of sperm) and got an IVF. She said it was an in vitro procedure, and there'd be no way for her to tell they were putting in a different embryo.

It was supposed to be an IVF procedure either way, otherwise she would have said artificial insemination instead of in vitro. Connie just told them to put someone else's sperm in the petri dish.

The last we saw of Mark, Paul sent him back to his quarters where he's presumably safe. We saw Paul snap Miller's neck and a couple of dead and bloody non-clone dudes that Rudy killed, but Mark was not shown at the end.

I think we're leading up to a big Mark vs Rudy showdown. If Rudy didn't have such a noticeable scar, I'd expect a "I don't know which one to shoot!" scene with Gracie.

Awesome episode! Never thought I'd feel sorry for Rachel or Paul.