“Personal responsibility for thee, but not for me!” is their fucking rallying cry.
I wouldn’t have thought of a beaver, but it would make sense!
They basically already do that with extraterritorial taxing of expats. Can’t say this is unfamiliar to me.
This administration is just a never ending galaxy brain meme.
The line I hear a lot is “Yes Trump’s policies are hurting us now, but it’s worth the price for what we’ll gain in the long run.”
I respect your view, but that whole “They’re decent people despite their totally backwards conservative views” line stopped carrying any weight with me 3 years ago when the GOP shifted gears from the part of “small government and fiscal responsibility” with racist bigoted undertones to full blown white, Christian…
One of my favorite masshole dive bars has taxidermied animals all over it, including one mounted above each unmarked restroom door. I leave as an exercise for the reader determining what animal was over which door.
Neutral: Naw, he’s totally going to try to do it. The fundamental problem with Chump and his base is that they’re the “Never My Fault” crowd. You can patiently explain the consequences of their actions in the most lurid terms possible, and they will still do it either out of spite or contempt and when you’re right,…
Oddly enough, my 7 yo was asking about how business works at the breakfast table today. We used the example of chairs. She asked why you can’t just charge less to get people in the door. You can, but your margin goes down, I told her in terms a 7 yo can understand. Well, she said, what happens if my cost to buy…
I think we are finding a lot of the policies and tools that form the executive branch’s tool box, and the rules around executive conduct itself, were poorly defined, in a legal sense, because the assumption was that no one would be so craven or stupid to abuse them to the extent the current oval office occupant has…
We do profit sharing at our company. The owner let the employees know their checks took a $200 hit last quarter thanks to the impact of Trump’s tariff as we buy a lot from China. Most of the employees are MAGA hat wearers, so the stunned look in their eyes was hilarious.
Pragmatism and realism in a leftist makes you no better or different than a fascist right winger according to tankies.
The purist left have made a new definition of “single issue voter” in that they’ll never vote for anyone that differs from their personal view on a single issue.
Where the FUCK is Area 51 on this list?