
And a person who is mauled by a rabid dog is at fault if they attempt to kick the dog away from them, right? Go ahead and defend murderers buddy. It’s a great look on you.

Oh, I saw this yesterday on CNN:

Yeah, but are we sure he KNEW she had warrants before he started this, or just suspected it? Just because they confirm it afterwards doesn’t mean at the time they knew for sure.

To the trolls, if you weren’t in her bathroom looking at a used pregnancy test from her, you have no idea if she was pregnant or not. If the woman said she was pregnant, I’m inclined to believe her.

So, a pregnant woman was senselessly murdered by an agent of the government and instead of getting in front of the murder, they’re going to try to run the “she deserved it” playbook, complete with the “we have the footage from the bodycam, but we’re not going to release it” play.

Isn’t it obvious? There would be like a dozen cops left in the entire country if you weeded out the unstable ones, the ones with zero insight into human nature and the racist ones

So a Texas police veteran, after 11 years, still doesn’t know how to deal with people in general, let alone how to take a woman into custody, let alone how to restrain a 45 year old woman without resorting to (a) a cattle prod, which just makes a person angry (and you wouldn’t want to see a black person angry),

They’re going with the “I suspected they had warrants” defense I see. It’s like these cops have a running mental rolodex of warrants when they’re issued or something.

“Nobody's ever thought of this before, I just came up with it. If they just don't TELL anyone, they can stay! Problem solved!"

I’d prefer it to go down like this:

Hmm, it sounds like your Xenuphobia is strong.

Nah, they said there would be sandwiches.

Oh, and Donnie Dim-Bulb, you can’t just dump your surplus commodities on the foreign market. Even if you don’t remember Farm Aid, you should remember when Carter— ohh, never mind, he’s not listening. 

Image of the wall.

Trumpists usually stop after the first line....

The wall will be made of arterial plaque? 

I thought ‘Facts Don’t Care About Your Feelings’ Ben? Are you saying that’s not true? Is it possible you’ve been ‘My Feelings Are Terrified of the Facts’ this whole time?

it is fascinating watching two brands of conservative condescension-to-avoid-discussion collide like icebergs