
Welcome to the fold, I still remember my own conversion.

That’s been my thought for years with DC/WB: why in the hell did they not just pull a Marvel (essentially) and let Bruce Timm play the part of Kevin Feige and steer the ship?

I feel like this is what’s going to be necessary for a time until charging infrastructure can be better built out in a lot of places.

Now playing

But it did give us this so there’s that at least?

I couldn’t care any less how many movies it is, just get it the fuck out. Been waiting for I don’t even know how many years now...

This says otherwise:

There’s *no way in hell* a Fremen would waste water that way

OMG that would be insane! Hook it right into my veins if it happens

But then they put him in SG-1 for two seasons so...kind of a win?

Uh, point of order: All the Tremors movies (except 4, IMO) were at least good if not great. Can’t comment on the series though as I haven’t ever gotten around to watching it (yet)

From the first time I saw Ragnarok I said to myself that I’d be colossally disappointed if we never get to see those two interacting

Exactly who one of my cats is named after. If he isn’t involved in this somehow I’m going to be *very* upset

Joe Rogan should be required to carry around a plant to replace all the oxygen he wastes 

Damn you Ben & Jerry’s for discontinuing Cake Batter (yellow cake ice cream w/ chocolate frosting swirl) and for apparently not delivering Oat of this Swirled anywhere near me!

But it did take place in the Stargate universe so there’s that at least...


She only wasn’t in Ragnarok because she was busy helping the FBI over in the Stargate universe

Just checked and that was in the old EU, not current cannon

Holy balls! It didn’t even occur to me that Yaddle could be the other Jedi...which could eventually lead to finding/seeing their home world. I seem to remember reading something from someone who was on set at one point and mentioned seeing a bunch of puppets of their (Yoda/Yaddle/Grogu) species

My RWNJ aunt was complaining about exactly this on her Facebook in March or April while her family was in lockdown and her husband and son both had to use their crappy internet for work and school. It’s all they can get in the middle of nowhere in NC