
Not completely sure but, as far as I can tell, that’s not actually ASL; it would be SEE (signed or signing exact English). ASL grammar and syntax is entirely different

Entirely off topic but some friends and I decided a while back that we’re going to form an Olympic curling team for Djibouti...

Well, yeah, I agree. To anyone who knows basic gender theory the argument makes no sense but to a lay person I can see how they’d buy it

“I think that it was Patty Jenkins, and it WAS the first woman driven super hero movie since My Super Ex-Girlfreind, it got a lot of (too much?) leeway on initial reviews”

Different strokes and all that. I’ve got no problem with people liking or disliking (or even being completely neutral) on any piece of entertainment. It only starts to bother me when like/dislike goes to hyperbolic lengths. Wonder Woman, for example. I thought it was ok but might have liked it more if I hadn’t read so

I disagree, somewhat. I feel like Capt Marvel was good overall, definitely not the top of the MCU but definitely not the bottom either (and Doc Strange is my fave so...)

Ok, yeah, just didn’t fully remember that as it’s the opening shot

Every time I hear “tax cut” in relation to this (fucking ridiculous) administration I think of this 

I seem to recall the Texas GOPs platform years ago saying something about not encouraging critical thinking and questioning authority or some such shit *SMH*

“how about put more funding into education so we have an educated populace”

It’s mind boggling how many pretzels these dipshits will twist themselves into to support their bigotry. How, pray tell, is firing someone for their orientation *not* related to their “biological sex”? As far as trans people they have a (completely fucking specious) argument, but orientation? Yeah, no

“Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s”

I’ll have to re-watch, it’s been a while because I’m not remembering that specifically. Assuming it’s correct, I’d imagine that it would be a lot easier to replace a single person in a single memory than papering over decades of time

“If the Kree could rewrite her memories to make Jude Law into a Skrull”

“But she’s not a great actress!”

That’s exactly one of my myriad problems with right-wingers, they’re completely incapable of being logically consistent

“More purchasing power generates more product demand and manufacturing, from food to clothing, to hard goods and services” 

I dunno, both the NLL and MLL (lacrosse) have some good ones. Of course I might just be biased because I’m a Mammoth fan

I still have my black & white Outlaws hat that I could only ever find on ebay