The Ghost With The Most


This one is great!

“...knock the wind out of their sales...”

Way to be a racist. Seriously, classy.

I have two pair of these, one for 6 years, one for four years. They are expensive, but weigh nothing, provide spectacular look and protection, and so far have been damn-near bulletproof.

Easy there, cranky bunions.

Blood from a whitetails heart, still steaming freshly eviscerated in the field. Uni- sea urchin gonads. Fried puke omlett - drunk night watching Jackass and deciding it was a good idea.

Squirrel is delicious.

Hahaha the faceplant at the end is the best. Very cool.

I remember Giz back in the good ol' days. This is a fucking circus now.

Yeah way to show some stupid high-school kid how to make a realistic looking gun in his parents shed. Then when he goes to school with it and gets beat up by angry meat-head, it will be your fault. Damn you.

A healthy animal wont attack unless provoked. Provoked to a wild boar is a world different than to a human, agreed. If the person in the woods or at the public campground has half a brain in their head, they dont need mainstream education to know what to do and what not to do. Ididots get gored, bitten and killed.

Thats awesome! Im a hunter, mountain biker, hiker and scout. I am glad we have a lot in common.

Easy man, take a breath. Why are you such an angry name caller? Im sorry I upset you.

Wow. You need anger management. Im sorry to have so deeply upset you.

If the average layperson executes good judgement i.e. store foodstuffs, keep eye and ear open, respect that you are on their turf and give them a wide berth then the actual incidents would be (and are) nothing but a very small statistic.

I still have Turtles, Defender, Space Attack, and other handhelds. Very near and dear to my heart!

Troll. I am telling you from personal experience and very many decades of wilderness exploration that I have *never* had an issue, and I am not an expert woodsman. I am an average joe, just smart enough to know what to do and what not to do when I am on mother natures turf and not the tarmac.

Statistically, your example is an anomaly. I've spent hundreds of hiking hours in the high peaks of the Adirondacks. I have seen many animals of many walks. I have never once been threatened, felt in danger, or done anything *stupid* to make an animal even when less than 15 feet from me react other than to continue