
71 is great for pitchers with a split finger fastball...

Look at the drop down descriptors. Donnybrooks is in there...

Them’s some spiiiiiiiiicy wings.

Normally this would probably be met with the same old fanfare about how this is just because Trump hates the president...

A few years ago, my family decided to take the scenic route from Ft. Wayne IN to Chicago IL (between in-laws). Saw a diner called South Side Soda Shop and stopped for lunch. They had a sign inside saying they were on one of the Diner/Dive episodes. When I took a pic of my kids in front of it, I must not have been the

Wow. Didn’t realize so many Brits had double-jointed elbows and knees. Wait...

Now playing

Nah. Boston just hasn’t had its Bill Burr moment yet. It’ll be delicious and glorious when it happens.

There is. It’s called the Darwin Awards.

Version two will not only have microphones, but built in headphones so you don’t need earbuds.

Jesus people. You all missed the most OBVIOUS workplace for quickies- COLLEGE LIBRARIES.

In the beginning, the universe was created. This made a lot of people angry and has widely been considered as a bad move.

Now those are TimBits I do NOT want.

This makes me indescribably happy. Sometimes humans can be very suprisingly good.

The Expanse is my favorite show right now on TV. And of course it’s getting cancelled. So I’m doing my part on social media to try to give it a new home. One thing I’ve been frustrated with is the lack of merchandising. Most other shows have tons of stuff- not this one. Aside from BluRays for the first two seasons and

Well, we now know what song students need to play VERY LOUDLY at graduation ceremonies. And outside his office.

They were all watching the new Deadpool 2 trailer that dropped yesterday on coach’s iPad...

How many of those people did the system mistakenly trigger a red ball alert?

The people who said Michelle wasn’t funny probably thought Lt. Steven Hauk in Good Morning Vietnam was a goddamned laugh riot too...