Came here to say just this.
Came here to say just this.
“Uh yeah, hello airplanes? It's blimps. You win!"
Combining the pampering of a cruise ship with the speed of some other slightly faster ship...
With a kerosene engine, better known as Jet-A, it won’t be any quieter than your turboprop. In fact, likely a very similar engine.
I feel like “Archer” already covered this pretty thoroughly.
Since these all appear to be a) larger than hobbyist drones and b) flying in and around NJ, couldn’t it be that professionals are trying to get good drone B roll of NYC at night?
In drones’ defense, would you land in New Jersey?
We’re approaching Maximum Overdrive more and more each day.
Well, they're not MY flying cars, why should someone else get to enjoy them if they won't offer me a ride?!
Police departments actually actively avoid people who are “too smart”. Many depts reject applicants with IQs deemed too high, believing they’ll become dissatisfied with the job and want to leave.
“18 different highway laws proven to reduce crashes, save lives and reduce injuries”
Counterpoint - Red light cameras are a cash grab. Every fiefdom throughout St. Louis put them in their neighborhoods. Few were in school zones, but in large intersections where they could cash in. The real trouble in St. Louis is that cops have given up on traffic citations as they are too hard and too dangerous…
Alcohol and brain injuries just bring out the person you’re hiding.
Head injury making you more easily agitated, sure I can 100% buy that, but the racist was already in there, not it’s just more likely to come out.
Having brain damage definitely explains a lot, though it’s probably not the cause of the rant.