I think it's the idea that even misgendering a predator isn't so much a sleight against them as a broader invalidation of nonbinary gender identities, at least that's kinda how I perceive it.
I think it's the idea that even misgendering a predator isn't so much a sleight against them as a broader invalidation of nonbinary gender identities, at least that's kinda how I perceive it.
Gonna class it up with escargot and then sleaze it down with some malt liquor
Things like this almost make our horrifying dystopian reality worth it
I don't hate this. Should I hate it? I probably wouldn't drink it, mostly because it's overly conceptual and I find that kind of obnoxious but I'm not disgusted by it. Urine is actually pretty sanitary. It reeks of trying to hard though. I'd rather have this than that fucking bacon vodka though
I hope the Nazis don't take werewolf Jones next that dude is a chill rocker.
Yeah he's gonna be Trump's new secretary of agriculture
Wow I'm glad I went into this one not knowing much. I didn't expect this weirdo Kaiju comedy to secretly be a pretty bracing depiction of alcoholism and emotional abuse. It's not perfect (there are pacing issues and the whole "leaving destruction in your wake" thing is a little on the nose) but I've never seen…
I figured the crackdown on free expression would have started over better material than this
oh, uhh….that sucks?
You're burying the lead here guys, the Diceman is back! He probably had to use up all his vacation time at Chili's to do it but it was WORTH IT!
So this is just going to be like Bojack Horseman but shitty and starring humans? Sign me up?
Poor Jimmy Carter, America's goober.
I can't wait for the protectionist tariffs on latex imports.
Or how Howard Dean yelped a little bit and it DESTROYED HIS ENTIRE POLITICAL CAREER
Now I'm no scientist but those are clearly humans.
I always want Tarsem to succeed but this also sounded like the worst kind of reboot so…it's a wash? I dunno, I'm gonna take a nap.
Remember when Abbott pulled those refugee boats back into Indonesian waters? It's funny because it was legally an act of war!
"rolls up to inauguration on motorcycle with eyepatch, America swoons"
I can't wait for our soap opera president