Right after he died one of the tattoo shops in my town had a deal where you could get the love symbol for $60 so a lot of people I know have them now. I think it's a wise decision you'll be happy with.
Right after he died one of the tattoo shops in my town had a deal where you could get the love symbol for $60 so a lot of people I know have them now. I think it's a wise decision you'll be happy with.
Huh you'd think she'd be kind of a draw at this point I mean, True Detective fizzled out but it was the most hyped thing ever for a while
Same with George Michael, like, he became such a punchline that people forgot A) He was a pretty good person and B) A BRILLIANT pop songwriter
Also I enjoy the inversion with a guy having a sleazy, perverse exterior and an altruistic secret life.
He's so digestible as a caricature (largely by his own design) that it's easy to forget he was a pretty cool person. The story I always remembered was how he'd drink yaks milk, never stuff like this.
I sincerely respect secret philanthropy when I hear about it (which, for obvious reasons, is not very often) and everything I learn about Prince I like him more. He's like the opposite of…most people in this way.
Huh I specifically didn't watch this show because I couldn't believe anything with Anthony Anderson could be in any way subversive and not awful but this review really makes me want to check this show out. He's come a long way since Kangaroo Jack I guess
This isn't really that weird, all the parts of this joke like the weird misspellings have kind of been beaten to death on the internet. They call it "shitposting" I think. Not my thing personally, but definitely an established concept. My old roommate was a shitposter. I found the whole thing tiresome. Vaporwave is…
The trailers kind of made me think this was "Taken but with Jamie Foxx" and it's interesting to see I'm only halfway wrong.
Heh heh, wheez the juice!
More than anything I'd hate to see it win because, not even concerned with the genre aspect, there are far better movies this year that really deserve a win. I don't normally even get invested in what the Academy does but I'll actually be disappointed if Moonlight doesn't end up with Best Picture
I'm still pulling for Lincoln Chaffee
A lot of movies I do not think are well made or to my taste or whatever, or just straight up bad, but I understand why people like them. I understand why the Academy liked Crash, even if it was a vacuous garbage fire made entirely of platitudes.
Or Oliver!
Man am I tired of this smarmy jackass and this obnoxious nerdservice faux-edgy movie. It's pretty much like a distillation of everything I can't stand about the last 5-10 years of movies rolled into one.
I'm glad to see Doug Benson is stretching his capabilities and doing a show about weed
On one hand he's not exactly wrong (although there is more challenging experimental music being made now than he gives credit for and I dunno if NIN were ever especially subversive) but on the other hand of course he's the sort of dude who would use a corny term like "sheep" in full seriousness. It's like listening to…
*Luigi Lionheart display remains full*
Nothing spells excitement like the Cincinnati of the Puget Sound!