
Personally I’m tired of people attacking interracial relationships. I hated when Jill Scott did it several years ago and I hate it now. Because underneath the rant about interracial relationships is the hatred of biracial people. We get it, you don’t think we should exist.

I agree but isn’t this particular movie a true story? I don’t think it belongs quite in the same category because it was Kumail’s real life experience with his current partner and not a fictional creation. Thoughts?

Hey Gilmore. You suck, ya jackass.

This fucking dipshit is an approved commenter, and I’m not.

No, I’ll blame the people that refuse to be accountable for their own actions. If you think it’s OK to kill gay people, I’m blaming you, not Moses or whatever the fuck these people worship.

Mma was legit before this fight and will be after this fight. Mma has absolutely NOTHING to lose in this Boxing match cuz let’s be completely honest here, on paper Conor boxing Floyd has maybe a 1% punchers chance of winning the fight according to most analysts, so maybe 1/100 times Conor will get lucky land the

They’re different sports entirely. What you’re describing like putting Usain Bolt and Raphael Nadal in a footrace, watching Bolt destroy Nadal, and claiming Tennis has no legitimacy.

I’m just not clear on why this has anything to do with MMA “legitimacy”. Of course McGregor is going to get wrecked, just as surely as Mayweather would get wrecked if for some insane reason he decided to fight McGregor (or any other top level MMA competition) in an MMA match. You could take a great NFL running back

I believe the new appropriate response is “I was scared for my life!!!!”

Another poster had me look into this and it looks like, at least in Tokyo, trains are down from 1AM to 5AM.

The entire point of this series is that the MTA is too underfunded to do shit like that.

Correct. Except public transit isn’t a business, it’s a utility. Seamless upgrades are not a utility concept.

Well, when you figure out how to replace track while trains are running over them, let the MTA know.

Also, sun is hot.  

Last time a Kizer talked this big, the rest of us got drafted.

That stretch from Phil Taylor to Manziel is the opposite of the ‘27 Yankees of drafting. So, I guess, its the Browns of drafting?

"I'm so tired I can't sleep," Kurt Cobain once lamented, ironically not long before availing himself of eternal rest by way of a shotgun blast to the head.