
I play my classic xbox all the time, it's got XBMC and some games ripped to it. You can't do that with the 360 still, right? You have to burn the games? This makes it completely uninteresting to me.

I get a club soda and lime, which I just ask the bartender to say is a "vodka tonic". THe bartender figures I'm a recovering alcoholic, and I avoid drinking around world people. So that's a win for everyone.

I used to live there, and I think I took a Virgin train from London to Crewe. Super fast. I'm sure there's something similar.

But people have been doing this for years, long before fees for checked bags.

I'm so sick of people taking enormous luggage with them on the plane, refusing to check it because of the fees, or claiming it takes too long to wait at the carousel after your flight.

This is a great idea. Wish I had thought of this one. Can't wait, definitely in for at least 1.

No. It's not asking a bit much. Amazon offers $5 albums regularly, and no one says that buying them is "asking a bit much".

Sorry, I sweat Android.

I'm pretty sure the artists make pennies on album sales. The real money is in concert sales.

I'm waiting for a service that provides the following:

Leasing is never a good idea, unless you like paying forever. Me, I'm a fan of buying a low-cost car that's 2 to 3 years old with low miles, paying it off, then driving it with no car payments for as long as possible.

what browser gave you the best results?

ok, so that kind of works. I can't scroll through rooms, which is the point where I gave up before. But searching for rooms using letters (words) does work, and I can join. Interesting. I wish it was an app though.

This is the one time I wish I had an iPhone rather than a DroidX.

So, why is integration with not an option? I notice the only way to join is through Facebook - you would think they'd be better connected.

I wish there was a guide like this for laptops. I figured out a lot of it on my own but the only reason I got as far as I did was the fact that I found a guy in the Philippines who had my same model of laptop and got it working. Took him a year to get it fully functional, and he sent me his DSDT. Saved me tons of

Yeah, so in your mind, anything copied is piracy, even if means moving it from one medium to another, and you own that item.

How is me sharing it with a solitary friend piracy, and why does it matter the method I do it in? I see no problem with sharing a track with a friend. If I buy a CD, rip it to iTunes, and email my favorite track to a friend, that is NOT piracy. It's no different than years ago when I bought a cassette and made a

Ok, I agree with your view of the world at large and what happens when we die.

Not at all. Doesn't iTunes have a "Free single of the week"? If I downloaded that, would I be a pirate? Of course not. They're giving away free music that I can share, burn, or do whatever I want with.