
"If you have a bunch of friends over, you can see how this can turn into a party where everyone gets to DJ."

I'm always interested in doing that kind of thing, but with only 2 weeks of vacation time per year, actually doing that is unrealistic.

Airport Express - it's inexpensive ($60 or less refurbished/used) and it's a great, low maintenance piece of hardware. I've got a couple of them throughout the house. You can get a remote control app for iTunes whether you have Android or iOS.

This is a great idea - I was planning to upgrade my HTPC in the next year or so (P4, 4GB RAM, 1GB Video card), but I'd definitely wait for a box like this, especially if I could just move my content to a NAS ... the PVR stuff is so unnecessarily complicated.

I'm interested in this but wonder how much battery life it would use ... I use JuiceDefender, but Lifehacker should do a guide to using JuiceDefender, particularly for stuff like this.

When I read this post, I thought that XBMC was now available for the 360. Guess it's not a serious media center.

My brother in law has a projector and a 72 x 72 screen at his house in a room with no ethernet connection, so I got a WDTV Live Hub with 1TB drive, put all my movies/TV shows on it, and bring that to his house.

You know who started doing this? You need Facebook to have a [] account, and then turntable started writing on my feed every time I entered a room. SO annoying!

When I ported my number, I immediately called and said "I've ported my number out, but still want to fulfill my contract. Don't charge me the termination fee, I want to keep my service." They said no problem, and I said "Ok, great. I'll need a new number for that line, will the contract terms be the same?" They said

Here's what worked for me.

My wife bought me this as anniversary gift. I wear it constantly.

How did your Microsoft section not mention the Courier?

Don't know if you read what I wrote. Selling is illegal.

Actually, it's not. Playing it publicly would be, selling it would be. Ripping, no.

Shouldn't this be tied into LinkedIn rather than Twitter?

I can't imagine ever having to "prove" you own music unless you're busted for illegal file sharing. What if you borrowed a CD from a friend, ripped it, and gave it back? That's not illegal, but how would you prove you owned it? It'd be ridiculous.

I love that the pie chart's breakdown includes "Justin Timberlake's character in the movie" as a line of explanation.

I don't always agree. I bought a laptop in 2003 from Circuit City that seemed like a great deal - however it only had USB 1, and I didn't realize that at the time.

Does anyone have any advice as to how I could go about asking Twitter if I could have the Twitter handle of someone who hasn't tweeted in over a year?

I don't agree. If I hadn't seen multiple platforms with DRM die in the past 10 years (the example of Microsoft Reader is excellent), I'd be more interested in spending money. The fact that books bought in Microsoft Reader cannot be shifted to the Kindle platform or Nook platform is a disgusting waste of money.