
Me and Amy Poehler are gonna make out and watch The Jon Stewart Show together. Yeah, not The Daily Show bro. I'm talking the original Jon Stewart Show!

So you're saying you want a zombie apocalypse of zombie cock and lips?

I agree. And don't get me started on the annoying house/techno music when they do the trivia bit. Ugh.

The episode was fine with the Stein bit cut IMO. I feel like the "Bueller, Bueller" bit has been overdone. A lot of other great references to the film that aren't always on the tip of one's tongue when you mention FBDO

There's very little meat in these gym mats

Yep us Missourians had Road House in 1989 and White Palace in 1990.

Cigarette came when he heard that

Leslie coming back from New Hampshire to rescue Jesse and gaze upon her meth lab one more time before dying was pretty cool too

Surprise Knoperfucker!

JK Simmons revenge!

My ranking of the character future flashes
1. Ron
2. Leslie/Ben
3. Jerry
4. Craig
5. Jean Ralfio
6. Donna
7. Tom
8. April/Andy

As much as I loved Parks and Rec apparently having two fleshed out characters remain a childless couple was a bridge too far. OK for Donna and secondary character Joe though

All in all a very good finale. In time I may say great. The flash forwards were like lighter 6 Feet Under character recaps. I have to admit I thought April and Andy would wind up the happy childless couple (that you don't see enough in sitcoms since Bob Newhart stopped doing them) but that looks like it went to Donna

At least from 2017 on the divorce rate of Pawnee city employees seems to be zero.

Sorry, I really thought my gym shorts from 8th grade still fit

Yeah stick a fork in it!

Can you gain 100 lbs so we can pair you with a hot wife?

TBS sitcom? He might not want to quit his Daily job

Completely agree. A majority of Americans are now single and while I too love P&R and all the characters is it a bridge too far to have one be single and content?

His son was mentioned and a photo was shown and quickly torn up to protect us privacy. His wife was mentioned but neither she nor the daughters have appeared on screen this season