
The orderlies here don't let us touch the remote or the thermostat.

After Mardi Gras in New Orleans had to detox this weekend. I cursed the ice and snow and watched Bill Maher Fri night. Saturday some friends came over and we had what I hope will be the first several Mel Brooks/Coen Bros movie nights. This one was History of the World Part I and Raising Arizona. The next will be

Oh great, I hadn't thought of it yet but now I'm at work and your comment has my brain on a shower scene with Maggie, Tara and Rosita.

I think Hanks deserved a second Oscar. 2000 for Castaway. I agree with you on Travolta.

Clooney should have won it for O Brother Where Art Thou.

Why only every other?

Has anyone said the dinner/dance scene in Caddyshack where Dangerfield is giving all the snobs the what what?
cuz that would be fun

That's the plan. Long as I don't get turned into a horny toad

The Sireen scene in O Brother Where Art Thou

I could see Peggys apartment looking like Mary Tyler Moore's with a big wooden P on the wall.

Its what he calls his acid trips

Roger looks like my former Senator Tom Eagleton.

Do the Drapers match the carpet?

Also see Rallys slogan "You Gotta Eat!"

My mother has the same first name, but spells it La Verne

Still not a deal breaker.

Studio laughter as Ricky Coogin stammers realizing he started to call Boss #2 by Boss #1 name. Changes the subject by inviting him to dinner forgetting that he already invited the other boss over. More hilarity ensues.

Lucky! Mine is Lacy Clay, my district—which includes Ferguson—could use someone like Lewis.

I loved that movie but Holly Hunter was my least favorite part. In a sequel I'd like to hear that she got hit by a train.

I usually want someone to fuck for in a movie too so yeah it can be two things!