
That big straw hat that dude is smoking in looks pretty comfy

The Dead Zone is one of my favorite Stephen King novels and while the Christopher Walken movie was pretty good compared to most King adaptations it left me a bit cold.

The original Deliverance is an incredible movie and I loved the book. Its a shame so many people only know it for the "squeal like a pig" part. But I really don't want to see it remade.

I read the review but I'm still left wondering how Anistons character affords her rock and roll lifestyle.

Well Belleville still has a couple of sketch areas. Fairview Heights seems about as cookie cutter suburban as you can get to me. Not that heroin isn't just as or more pervasive along an nterstate outer road of strip malls containing TJ Maxx and Panera Bread (which we call St. Louis Bread Company here Dammit! )

He's Still the Same

This sounds less rock n roll and more like something Wesley from Mr. Belvedere would do. Wait, are they the same person?

Of course it isn't as Ferguson is a Missouri suburb, and actually most of it is still a nice place.

Belleville has a cool and restored Main Street area. And it was the home of Jeff Tweedy BEFORE Chicago.

Maybe I'll see them in St. Louis, but only if I can drink a giant Mountain Dew and play Space Invaders during the concert. Gotta live Fry's dream!

I thought you never washed those. Just like a pizza stone

Got a hold of Sean Hannitys fan fic I see

"People Are Talking" and "Take it From Us"

I'm glad making movies about Reagan has replaced wanting to name major thoroughfares , airports, hospitals and what not after Reagan.
A movie I can simply not watch.

That's a load of rich, creamery butter

Mona Simpson: Abe, isn't Homer cute?
Abe Simpson: Probably, I'm trying to watch the You Tube Super Bowl Commercial channel. If we don't support this thing it might not make it!

Hey those faberge eggs aren't going to break themselves!

Only sexually

If Catholics are all about the procreation you think they wouldn't allow someone who looked like Rob Lowe into the priesthood.

Is this invitation for Bob or John?