
Or a Courtroom

A dandygina

Get clonin!

Does Bjork have an aversion to performing in cities that don't rhyme with her name?

Wait a minute, so in December seeing a movie by this chubby Canadian pot afficianado was considered the acme of patriotism and now he's worse than ISIS??

On the upside there will be far fewer woo girls and bachelorette parties at your local watering hole this Saturday night.


My guess is threat of legal action from whatever studio made the Tom Cruise flick with that name.

Shrillary and her handling of BENGHAZI

No mention of Leonard Part 6 without parts 1 through 5? Or did I just sleep through those after Bill Cosby fetched me a drink?

Did you whizz right through it?

Yeah I've always wanted to go there. To hell with what Ned Flanders says!

Can't wait to be in the middle of that!

There can be two things

You don't think they'll be up for the Golden Globes?

I hear ya, bra

Dolly Parton circa 1974 is one of my go tos when I want to fap all historical like.

Glad to see these movies are gonna be on the boob tube

Two more feet and I can fit it in the fridge!

Friend? You mean you two aren't knockin boots?