Ska Delite

Unless Trump’s actually the one secretly driving this recount push, and not Clinton/DNC, now that he’s realized a) how difficult the job is and b) how it’s going to cut into his business (signing matters over to the kids? while there’s breath in his body?!?), when he ran initially for the free advertising... Hola,

I’m still hoping I’ll wake up.

I think all of this is kind of... I mean, for fucks sake, liberalism *is* a centrist/moderate ideology. The political spectrum in this country is so screwy. Hillary would be considered centrist or center-right anywhere else in the developed world. I think the Democrats do need to move a little away from liberalism -

Not if I lose my healthcare

Because EMAILS.

I’m so exhausted.

I told my husband I was buying a rug on the internet just now. Um. The Jill-Stein-Might-Save-Us-Rug. Shit. Now I gotta find a rug.

Hey, 2016, go fuck yourself!

Yeah, 2016 is a big bag of dicks.

2016 is BULLSHIT

Fuck 2016 with a rusty pitchfork.

“Gwen Ifill was predeceased earlier this year by the integrity of journalism itself”

Gwen. I don’t blame you for leaving, but look where you left us :(

I guess there is no such song as “Northern Conifer Forest Boogie?”
