Ska Delite

Oh, the refusal to acknowledge there are issues with white neoliberalism and white feminism runs strong here. Clover is the only one who called out white feminists. They’d rather say fuck Stein, Johnson, and Sanders than acknowledge that while white supremacy and sexism played the biggest role that there were other

I’m waiting on you guys to do a “Fuck Bernie Sanders” post. You’ve already hit Jill Stein and Gary Johnson, time to do that one as well.

Any person who doesn’t support a woman’s right to choose should be forced to adopt unwanted children.

I feel like this has irreparably damaged the office of POTUS, tbh. It used to be prestigious, and you had to work for it for decades, postition yourself, gain knowledge and skill and directly-related experience. Now we’ve elected a reality tv star with no ability to form a coherent paragraph, much less policy, and

I think this feels less like 2000 than like 2004. The horror of George W Bush wasn’t as apparent in the wake of the 2000 election as it was in ‘04, so while Gore’s loss was upsetting it didn’t feel life-changing at the time. Meanwhile in 2004, I have clear memories of being drunk and rocking myself back and forth at

Until 9/11, W seemed mostly harmless. A fucking idiot to be sure, but harmless.

You see, I keep telling myself that we survived Bush. This isn’t helping.

Worse than 2000 by leaps and bounds.

Fuck that, I’m a white man and a huge Hillary supporter. Don’t stoop to that level, it makes you as bad as Trump.

We live in an age where people spitefully shit on each other through the anonymity granted by the internet. An era where a person’s worst impulses can be acted out and they are almost never punished for it. Trump just plays their game openly. He’s the perfect leader for this age.

I’ve never understood why people were so confident that he would lose in a landslide. Have people not met most Americans? I wouldn’t even say this is about racism, or sexism, it’s about a deep selfishness people have and they refuse to think long term or have empathy for others. America is an ugly country it just

Canadian professor who lives 1 hour away from Toronto in the forest in a log home with a private cabin. Ready to take on us refugees if you un-grey me. I am so sorry to see this USA. I know you are not all like this.

I’m a 55 year old Dem and I’m terrified.

Relax everyone, if we can’t trust a guy who got rich in the real estate business leading the party that deregulated the industry that caused the worst economic crisis of our time, who can we trust?

I think most of the people responding to Ashley’s lament with their terror are likely millenials and almost certainly Democrats. I’m 50 years old, I’ve been in the US military for 25 years. I cannot wrap my head around what the fuck is going on when so many of the people in this country think a guy who isn’t

Like I said, I want to vomit a minivan.