Ska Delite

Maybe he meant he wasn’t proud of his vote for School Board.

It’s OK, guys. My cat had to vote for this candidate and it chapped her hide, too:

It looks more like young emperor Palpatine in my humble opinion

I still think mine should have caught on (a rotten persimmon)

FUCK I could have sworn I called him a walking uncircumcised penis somewhere but now I can’t find it. But anyway he looks like a walking uncut dick

They give out these in Georgia when you turn in your voting card:

It’s the “good job” at the end that cranks this from ordinary to extraordinary weird.

WTF is up with this video? Did she just keep the snake in the closet and sit there for a long time until it opened the door? How long was the snake in there for? For what purpose did she do this? The “good job” at the end is weird. I don’t mind snakes, but this video is creeping me out.

Ok my internet isn’t working properly but Oh god is this the video where there is suddenly an entire giant yellow snake in the room? Stuff of nightmares!

2016 would be the year that Snakes on a Plane comes true.

Who knew this movie was a prophecy?

Hey guys - is there any room to fit “collection of menstruating waterheads” under the banner on the Jez main page? It would be a shame to lose such a quality clap-back to the ether.

I don’t think millennials realize just how much Bill Clinton was despised by the far right back in the 90's. There were as many conspiracy theories floating around the Clintons as there currently are around Obama- Mena, Arkansas, Whitewater, Webb Hubbell, Vince foster, etc. Just as Obama is accused of being secretly

What I’ll remember of Janet Reno is that she was willing to make fun of herself. Good trait.

Treat it as a chance to practice not giving a fuck what people think about you.

It’s called “employment at will” and “right to work” is the immoral way of saying people can benefit from the work of a union without paying.