
What a bunch of idiots, this has been going on since they were using sheep intestines for contraceptive a thousand years ago. “SOMEONE GIVE ME SOMETHING, ANYTHING, TO BE OUTRAGED ABOUT!!!!!!” Morons.

stfu and stop trying to convince the world that your crappy, worthless existence holds some merit, to someone, somehow. It doesnt.

You are worthless scum and I cant wait until you realize that, because you absolutely, without a doubt, will. Probably when you finally mature, around 50. Just in time to start being outraged that they havent remade all your favorite cartoons into movies.

Youtube is not a real job, its a hobby for lazy, narcissistic, egotistical, self absorbed, millennial CHILDREN (mind and/or body) who will never amount to ANYTHING but are too scared and/or selfish to do whats best and end themselves.

The problem is with worthless youtubers who watched a disney movie that said they could literally do anything they wanted so now they want fame and fortune from playing games.

Oh look, another millennial considering what they want, what the world can do for them, how can they be famous? This world is so f###ed.

Heres to hoping they starve!

Waaaahhh! Im worthless and now I might have to face that! WAAAAAAHHHHHH

I will. Making youtube videos is not real work, fake work, candy work or blue work. Its not work. Period. Its narcissism.



F### youtubers. The worlds biggest bunch of entitled narcissists. If there is anyone that the world would not miss a beat for, its people who try to make money off of others watching them play.

“The spunky portable console flopped, got a massive price cut, gradually built up a spectacular library of games, and received several bizarre (and confusing) hardware models throughout its six years on store shelves.”

Dont let them hear that...they will insist that they are the highest evolutionary form of the journalist. “I influence the market! Im somebody damn you!”

No simpleton, Im putting thought into it period, as opposed to whatever you do to bury your head in the sand

Trump voters. Before him, I thought humanity could be redeemed.


Wow, apparently​ I’m far from the only one who thinks you are an unfunny, egotistical, d-bag. Maybe you should take a hint and remember that your opinion is exactly that and nothing more. This should have been a simple story about the facts, Nintendo discontinuing 3d, not something calling out everyone who ever

This site isn’t about “people’s” opinion, it’s about “I’m the author and for some reason just better than everyone else and my opinion will always be more than just an opinion.” Sort of like fashion designers.