
Why are you talking about Felix The Cuban’s ham fists? Racist.

Irreparable damages to a children's!!!

Thanks! I was just asking about this a few weeks ago. I forgot you do these before the school year begins. As a iOS n00b I thought I may be missing some important things. Going to check out Camera+.

Full access too I bet.

Good thing that it’s free. After the buggy updates on iOS I won’t be giving them a cent for a long time. I have to hunt and peck like with the stock keyboard the corrections are so bad and buggy. I have auto-correct off and it still does it. I had to switch to Google’s keyboard. I can’t use the stock keyboard like

Holy shit. Used to catch the train there all the time.

I just don’t like being landlocked and don’t want the Great Lake Cancer Circle stuff. I was thinking Minnesnowtah until the latest highlights of inequality.

He’s flexing at a weigh in.


So now I need to find the hidden cameras recording my screwups. Am I the only one reading that list and cringing with that twist in the stomach you get from reliving accidents or watching kids on skateboards teabag rails in disaster mode?

That’s sick.

Dip your AK/AR instead of cerakote?

Times are rough

This applies to relationships too. Love can make you overlook these things. Don’t!

Anyone else see the intransigent JoePa defenders sounding similar to those who deny Blacks may suffer poor treatment with the criminal justice system?

Who let that guy around children?

There’s a pork rind joke in there somewhere.

The Nittany Child Molester

Looks like they’ve done it before and used the side bump to slow down. Where is the camera footage from? If you were the type to do that, using someone else’s car is there preferred method.

I’m a big KLK fan. Since I couldn't see the trailer I wanted to know if it's just pr0n or worth watching like KLK.