Totally fucked up. That isn’t freedom.
Totally fucked up. That isn’t freedom.
Underestimating what Black people have good reason to fear.
Present tense - Evernote is still working very well for me thanks. Much better actually. The Work Chat feature I hated is actually handy when sharing stuff with my family members.
Hey when the talking g-string has to give you a super murphy to release its power you know you’re dealing with high quality art.
OK so it’s softcore hentai.
Compared to Kill La Kill?
I thought he might be excited about the homage and do some amusing social network stuff in response. Is that bigoted of me?
But cops can’t shoot this asshole?
And horrible Kraft “dinner” aka crummy Mac and fake cheese in a box.
Beer isn't a vegetable.
My local library has video games and movies for free. There’s also digital book rentals and in with the journal databases is every repair manual for every car. I have printed the pages to pdfs and assembled them when the manual has been hard to find. Gotta support our libraries before that vital resource is gone.
For more arduino powered mayhem and overall good stuff to drink beer while watching check out AvE on YouTube. There’s a bit of unconventional Canadian language but it’s funny and I’ve learned tons. I assumed that this was going to be one of his vids.
I’ve spent days in Oklahoma and pray for anyone who has been there longer than that. Everyone in that state should send KD a thank you note and $20.
How can they work on Keep when they’re too busy removing features from Maps and trying to monetize it or making Gmail apps that suck? Alphabet has lost their way. They overdo the updates on some apps and do nothing with others. With the way they’re prone to drop apps and services that they neglect I would not trust…
Yeah my biggest problem with Evernote happened right when Keep launched and I thought it may be the answer. It was a joke. Everyone wants to have an Evernote cloud note app but most are a joke. Even Apple’s new moves with their Notes app syncing with iCloud is only good for recent OSX versions and iOS devices. I think…
I tried this two years ago after not being able to search my 4000+ notes for text within plain text notes or PDFs as a premium user. That sucked but trying to migrate sucked worse. By the time I was done experimenting I totally stopped using One Note. Every attempt at importing large amounts of data failed. I’m…
Some in the sport can’t handle it but are so talented physically they find themselves there. Uriah Hall is one. There are others too who you’ll see inflict a fight ending injury on an opponent then be remorseful afterwards. That + CTE and it’s not a surprise they guys can get very depressed or suicidal.
Lower middle class/poor small business owners. They’re distrustful of government as they see it making their already rough lives harder. The promises of lower taxation is what sells them to joining the group that uses the rest of what you mention as propaganda. It’s an easy sell when you have government run by the 1%…
Poor moose? Walk around in the wrong part of the woods and they’ll kill you and not even cuz they’re hungry.
Do you manage all risk in your life in the same manner? I doubt it. To be OCD about risk to that extent would be entirely crippling. So if you prefer one thing over another because you’d rather take the increased risk of failure in one setting than the lower risk of failure in another it doesn’t mean you are…