I like the Maurder, but for $40K I’d rather pickup a Challenger Scat Pack. I don’t know know if I’d pay $20K. For $10K I’d be all over it.
I like the Maurder, but for $40K I’d rather pickup a Challenger Scat Pack. I don’t know know if I’d pay $20K. For $10K I’d be all over it.
Fat people are physically incapable of the majority of fun positions. Fat people are physically incapable of enjoying most fun hobbies. Fat people live shorter more miserable lives.
Some people are fans of the Carolina Panthers. But many, many more people are NOT fans of the Carolina Panthers.…
The truth hurts. Doesn’t change the fact that real syrup Stans look at me dismissively while I’m coating the pancakes in liquid candy (I know what it is. I don’t care. I’m not about to act like a snob about goddamn pancakes), but keep on looking at my sweet, buttery flapjacks, while they try to choke down their bitter…
Real maple syrup tastes like ass on pancakes and everybody knows it. My dad held out until he was in his 60's but he came around. Life’s too short.
I mean I guess it depends largely where you live in real life. I’m from Britain, so frankly I’d have thought it wasn’t raining enough. :)
You are going to get a Korean Mech suit and you are going to like it, young lady!
Do these sites not realize what a huge percentage of their audience comes from bored office workers who may well not be able to watch videos without attracting unwanted attention?
Gracias, mi amigo. Yaya con dios por la fin de semana.
If not me, who? If not now, when? If not here, where? If not how, I don’t know how to finish this.
“This time, don’t be afraid to lean into it.”
Man oh man, I’ve been waiting for Sakura to pick up V again. I was maining Cammy, and she is fun and all, but I miss my spunky shoto-school girl.
Final Fight’s Abigail is now the biggest character to ever appear in the Street Fighter series, and fans aren’t…
In an effort to keep this game relevant... legendaries!
Chubby rain!
You missed the point. What he/she meant was that people wear their political correctness on their sleeve, to display their ‘wokeness’ (anyone who uses that term seriously should be publicly crucified). It is isn’t necessarily hypocrisy, but one doesn’t have to stray far to find it. Wearing a badge which says you are…
Seems like they are saying that being a good person has been transformed into a pastiche of talking points and following the right people on twitter. Society purports to vilify “bad guys” and lift up “good guys” and because the media we interact with is necessarily shallow, we are shallow as well in our ideas about…