
I remember this game as a teen only because I heard that the vibrating remote pad or whatever it came with was being used as a sexy toy by female gamers.

Forget S, first of all, for not being good enough for her Judgemental family and having to cover it up that you two were together, and then not believing in you for studying with a girl. She sounds like a nightmare

I guess you are a fan of having big fluffy pancakes instantly turn into soggy bombs.

I wan’t to believe you, truly I do, please name something that can compete with Auntie J’s Butter Rich. Ill give it a shot. ( Side note, pure maple syrup is not appealing as it is runny sugar water that insta turns my pancakes soggy)

Exactly, its hard enough to pretend to be working while I spend all day here, but trying to make me watch a video? Come on, no one is that good

This deserves an Oscar, or whatever the online equivalent is. That was masterful, bigly bigly masterful.

pervert alert!

I only clicked the link to read the comments and see how many people even still care about this app. I really dont know what the appeal is, it got very boring very fast.

I demand to know how often your writers are on reddit/imgur I am starting to notice a trend of front page posts. Just curious if you guys go there often.

now come up with a clever name for eggrolls. I dare you

I don’t know any Overwatch “lore” but is tracer like the main hero or the most important? I ask because she seems to be the poster girl for the franchise whenever I see something about the game.

because your MSRP retail price is not even close to manufactured cost, so they probably bought them at a fraction of the cost, or stole them from the plant to resell in the US for face value. 102 Iphones could go anywhere from 40-60K dollars.

Nathan I get really bad performance anxiety, but not when I am playing video games...... believe me there are worse things to suffer from.

Ahh ok I totally knew about Swinton , but I didn’t ever hear the Emma Stone story, thanks for filling me in!

I bet there is no limit to what Mario Lopez would host for the right amount of money. Vomit Chuggers with your host Mario Lopez

Can you fill the slower members of the class in? I have no idea what this is in reference to.

You also forgot to add that the Marine Corps added a Combat Fitness test , So each year you had to do a PFT and a CFT.

The Dig will forever be my favorite Lucas Art adventure game, But The Neverhood is the best Adventure game of all time from my childhood.

This is a really petty Article that could have been written in a totally positive context, like, its O.K to like sports and MTG, but you had to take it to this , Dumb jock gets ass kicked by superior intellectual, Tips fedora , puts back on his MLP shirt.

It’s been 14 years since the original game came out, How many people are going to expect a hardcore sequel to the original ? Hell I played the game when it came out and I barely remember the story. I think this new game looks amazing, and well written and it has enough of the original zest to carry the name and its