
@Go Vols!: Oh please... I don't even know where to begin...

It's illegal to own a bong in the USA?

Nice to see an original article. Great post.

@joelydanger: And de-starred too... but I'm not bitter... *shakes fist*

Um, ya gimme a break.

Thanks for nothing.

@toxic: I need to know. Where's your sense of humour?

I'm all for this. They need to implement this technology in the NHL also.

Oh gimme a break....

I'll openly admit, I use 3 different passwords. 1 for my online bank account, 1 for my debit and credit card (same password), 1 for all my blog sites (All Gawker, Digg, and Reddit), and 1 for my primary email address.

Just call me the Most Interesting Man in the Internetz.

@SynthOno: My guess is that perhaps he had a previous health issue that the public didn't know about. I know I'm grasping at straws but I just can't imagine Steve Jobs is really that big of an asshole to park in handicapped parking spots.

@Arken: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr. Buzz Killington.