
@SynthOno: You do realize that Jobs had cancer and the pictures of him in the handicapped spot are from that same time period.

Oh FFS come on. Get a life.

Wow, it's beautiful.. I'd definitely spend $2000 or less for this.

Very helpful! Thanks meseta

Good post, bLam.

What's with all the hating of Google all of a sudden?

@RoyceTech: My butthole cringed at the site of that.

Am I the only one secretly cheering for this guy?

Also, WTF.

4 years is ridiculous in comparison to people who get 1 year for something like attempted murder (reduced sentences, good behaviour, being rich, etc....).

@MauricioHavok: Even then, I don't need something like that and I'm sure most iPhone users don't. But to be fair, I bet a lot of Giz users would love the features of jailbreaking.

Eh, those seem like minor reasons. I can tether my iPhone in Canada, but I have such a small data limit that it's not worth risking accidental overage.

Haha, MiTube got pulled.

Where can I buy one?

@jackburnt: Hahaha sorry, friend was on my Giz account

That lady has a nice face.

Anyone else things like this are just stupid and hick-ish?

@Segador: Sounds about right.

@Segador: Lost yours too? What did you do?