
@the_fury: You make a good point.

@jb008: Hahaha I think you're right, I tried to access it to have a more in depth look at the site and it crashed.

@Tarandon: I do realize using tables is different, but what I was trying to say is... Brute force is old school, tables are new school. Try using brute force to crack a XP or Vista password, it'll take forever. Try using tables, it's unbelievably efficient.

Eh, first off, I'm not too keen on entering my password on a 3rd party website for a number of reasons...

Okay I should add that my laptop is an average machine when it comes to specs, if not below average (1.66ghz dual core processor, ew), and I've still managed to tweak Vista so it's faster than some of my friends' desktops with 2.6ghz+ dual core processors.

One last post:

Back... K yeah, fail. Same error, and now I can't "uninstall" it.

I wish someone could tie a rope around my waist before I wander into the Beta realm... lol here I go (again).

Haha it seems I was too eager for SP2. Just installed it... Then after the reset, I got a "Installing Service Pack: 100%" message, which stayed for about 10 minutes... then I came back and saw a nice "Service Pack 2 failed to install, reverting changes"...

Downloading it right now... :-) My friends will be jealous, and I'll never tell them where I got it from... I'm making up a story right now... Perhaps I know a guy Microsoft that is letting me in on a BIG top secret project... Heh heh heh... That should work.

What's the situation with Tivo in Canada? I'm sick of Bell lol.

Okay I gotta ask, what's the point in having a thumb drive USB OS? Not criticizing, just wondering. Like what situation would cause someone to use it?

Woah woah woah, hold on. Boot time as in...

@nightbirdsf: Actually Obama's suits are relatively cheap, he admits that he only has 5 suits, and most of them are very cheap.

Is it just me, or is OneNote the most underrated program ever to be released?

Now if only I could just run Steam and my headphone drivers... Wine uses way too much RAM and CPU...

@stengah: I agree, vote Obama! Cheers from Canada... We're all supporting Obama! And I'm quite sure the rest of the world is too

Tried to use this, just crashed.

Even though I have Ubuntu on my tri-boot laptop... I hardly use it because there's no version of Steam for Ubuntu, and also, my Medusa's don't work with Ubuntu...