
Lol okay, I didn't mean to sound mean.

OMFG and by the way, YOU CAN turn off the "annoying Security Center" pop up... It's not even hard, you literally just click "change the way Security Center warns me"

Just ****ing TURN OFF UAC!!! My god, I'm sick and tired about people complaining about it. Just realize that it's simply a useless feature in Vista, and all you need to do is disable it.

@Gina Trapani: Not to be sexist, but I really wish more women were as tech savvy as you Gina!

@VakeroRokero: Yeah you're right. Clicking your mouse three times and copying and pasting something into the terminal is so hard, only geeks are capable of doing such an arduous task.

@RonDiaz: Who uses firewire??? Seriously, it's all about the USB. And like Ron Diaz just said, get the Pro version.

@garbanzo-bean: I'm downloading it right now, but in case this doesn't work, can you send me a link to the one you recommend please?

@berribrand: I use Norton Symantec Endpoint Protection, and I've tested all sorts of viruses with it, and AVG Free 8.0. Norton let nothing in, and AVG, to my disappointment, let in 5 viruses.

@Ghede: I concur, maybe folding a flag is considered important in America, where patriotism is ridiculously important... Haha here in Canada, we're chill about that stuff.

@24fc: To each his own. Come on man, we all have our different styles. Personally I use almost the same layout as that guy, no desktop icons, very minimalist setup, with everything hot keyed.

If Lifehacker had a conference that involved people physically having to travel to get there, I would bit in shock.

@lash: Really? When I used Vista, WindowsKey+R worked perfectly. I would say WindowsKey+R for Run command and WindowsKey+F for search are two really good features of XP and Vista.

Ahh great, pretty soon they'll have that damn "Rick Roll" garbage in HD...

@kph59: Lmao that's exactly what I said to myself... "Firefox FTW"

Super random but... has anyone else noticed that the picture for this article looks like a camel trying to jump? Look at it from far away and you'll know what I mean... really weird :S

Logitech G9, best $100 I've spent on a computer accessory.

They have this for USB drives, it's much better than a live CD

@virgilstar: Yup, couldn't agree more... I mean I'm all for being tech savvy, but when I die, I definitely don't want to have anything to do with technology after lol.

I really don't think it would be a problem, for a few reasons... 1, I really doubt many people will be actually using Voip or their cellphones on a plane a lot, because you have to realize that people ARE considerate in certain situations lol.

The site it do—wait it's u—wait... it's... unstable.