
“maybe it was just a bad script?”

You dont have to believe everything in a religion to support it’s good works. Has he personally done anything to what you are equatinghim with? shall we look at your financial records and go down the rabbit hole? It’s just religious bigotry disguised as social outrage.

So when did Pratt do that? I think you got fuzzy logic friend. How much freaky bad crap you got hiding that you need to judge someone else???

Just when our leaders are saying it’s time for healing, Chris Pratt’s religion and political leaning become something to shame him about, once again? Hey, how about unity in this crappy Pandemic now that the political dust has settled? Overlooking others faults is a key to personal growth, and cooperation despite

This looks like absolute dog shit.

Deadpool vs. Aliens vs. Predator

Kristen possibly turning evil would be a cool twist kind of like what happened with Clea DuVall’s always put-upon Sofie at the end of Carnivale. I don’t really buy it though

Can you imagine being a scriptwriter egotistical enough to have a copy of Terry Pratchett’s Guards! Guards! and Night Watch to hand and thinking, “No, I’m a much, much better writer than Pratchett. I’ll just use the names and make up my own stuff.” The arrogance of it is absolutely breathtaking.

Oh how typical to blame the minority from the working class family and excuse the bad behaviour of the upper class white girl ;)

I think the teenager playing her at 16 helps. :) Syd has gotten better but as soon as she went on another second season Melanie Bird “men are bad” rant, I had to roll my eyes. Syd called Melanie out on that last year. Why is she still doing it?

No he basically said “I’m going to kill you”

Look To Cook... The Arya Way!
Step 2: Basting.

People like you are the problem.


As an Asian-American, it’s really weird to be in a minority position (HA!) that finds it intensely baffling how much people don’t realize the inherent racism in only bringing up and arguing for Asian-American casting for stuff involving kung fu, martial arts, or Eastern mysticism. Iron Fist had a LOT of problems and I

Hey, io9...

Well, a BBC TV budget is two packs of chewing gum and a four pairs of bootlaces--they are doing the best they could.

Unneeded fan service. It didn’t fit the movie at all

I have said before the it bears repeating.