
Dude, he had some personal tragedy, I think he deserved the time off.

Maisie Williams has already said that Arya isn’t always left handed on TV.

She’s name her champion to Jamie and probably the small council, I don’t think we have seen her say anything to the sparrows.

Unless the Faith choose their champion first. Then Cercei is in the position of being guilty or killing her son (via Mountain).

i know we are all waiting for Cleganebowl, but what if the faith now choose Tommen as their champion. could Tommen refuse? How would that leave Cercei?

No mention of the absolutely abysmal portrayal of Psylocke. I was amused at Olivia Munn turning down the part of Vanessa in Deadpool because she didn’t want to play “a girlfriend”. It seems she preferred playing one dimensional (albeit single) eye candy instead.

That stormtrooper looks like he’s watched too much Robot Chicken.

It’s funny you say that, when I watched JJ the first time, I felt that Ritter’s portrayal gave me deja vu...

I think they’ve handled the 22-show run well in the past, really by splitting it up into two mini seasons (eg pre-terrigenesis/post-terrigenesis).

Looking at the cast, some of the suits will need a lot of padding....

for Chuck’s sake no!

I would watch a Deadpool courtroom drama...

The problem for JL is that DC haven’t developed the B listers in that movie. Cyborg, Flash and Aquaman won’t have much additional pull over Batman, Superman and Wonder woman and unless a miracle occurs or suicide squad is a success and plays a major role, I can’t see JL competing with the likes of Civil War, never

Agree 100%. Actually I just saw Civil War and one of the best scenes with him is meeting new people as Tony Stark.

I don’t disagree with your point that others subsequently playing a role. I simply point out that Sansa’s actions are what precipitated most of the awfulness happening south of the Wall. If she had been less self-involved, the likelihood is that at the very least Robb and Caitlyn, if not Ned would still be alive.

Most of me knows this is the way Spiderman should sound and talk and is stoked, the the other part wonders why Spiderman sounds like a Michelangelo?

Sansa went to Cercei and told her of her fathers plan to leave the city (after being told not to tell anyone), because Sansa wanted to stay at Kings landing. This led to Sansa’s immediate detention. If Sansa had gotten out of KL, Ned wouldn’t have needed to confess, then he wouldn’t have been in a position to be

only because Sansa’s tell-tale tantrum put Ned on the block, so to speak.

almost everything bad that’s happened in Westeros is Santa’s fault, so I find it hard to have any sympathy for her.

More importantly, what was Robin’s mom’s name?