
Crudup is such a fantastic actor - his presence and delivery is so entertaining.  Also, stray observation:  Alex is a terrible pet owner.

I was thinking Micky Rourke and Axl Rose’s long lost mother.

I call bullshit

Another reason to dump social media altogether.

Uggh... yet another reason to ditch X/Twitter.  Does Threads allow political ads?

The dinner scene is reminiscent of family dinners I have attended.

Atari called it


What about some device that sends out sonar pings?

Maybe because off the shelf items aren’t going to be engineered with redundancies in place in the event of failure?  Not like they can order same day Amazon delivery at the bottom of the ocean.

Thanks for posting the link!  That certainly partially debunks what I grew up hearing.

I would rather see Stanley Tucci as Bond.

I would love to see a fleshing out, respectful to the source material, of Beorn. Same with Tom Bombadil who I often group in with Beorn because of roles that both of them had in protecting the hobbits and their forest locations, but who are very different characters. I suspect that Bombadil has more backstory (EDIT:

I think the first time I ever heard the term “twee” it was in a review of a Wes Anderson film.  It certainly is apt.  Regardless, I love his films.

Wasn’t that Benny Hill?  ;)

This strikes me as a bit of an inflammatory take on the Deadline article and on the message that Harry is conveying in his interviews. If the press keeps bringing up his frosted todger, that’s not on him. I have yet to read the book (if I wind up doing so in the first place) I suspect that his story of the frostbitten

Be aware that these do not integrate into the Google Home app and require the Nest app to monitor from your phone.  

Be aware that these do not integrate into the Google Home app and require the Nest app to monitor from your phone.  

“Rapes aside...”  LOL

I just realize that I would watch pretty much anything with Michael Shannon in a principal role.