Wood quill hunting?
Wood quill hunting?
And based on past behaviour, very likely Bipolar I. She would have to be severe for guardianship of this sort and entirely lacking in insight into the condition - thus not being adherent to meds. I work as a psychologist in Canada and have never seen guardianship (involuntary) granted to a relative for all aspects…
What a shit show from an ethical and legal perspective.
Tragic to hear. I’m not a fan of casinos but I am even more disgusted by government sponsored electronic gambling (video lottery terminals and alike) - too many ruined lives because of the promise of easy money when we all know that, in the end, The House always wins. I hope your brother benefits from the help he…
True - Alice/Vincent really is an interesting and seemingly stand-up guy. His story is quite fascinating - particularly his struggle with balancing his stage persona with real life.
She was chilling in Play Misty for Me. Great actress!
Wow - I didn’t realize that the South Park character was based on a real guy.
Good - nice to see that he is setting another example of who not to listen to.
I really want this to be as awesome as Bob Odenkirk.
Let’s not forget the fact that I alluded to the possibility she might have a developmental disability. We don’t want to cast aspersions on them either. However, I maintain that she has mental health problems - but more likely the personality disorder variety. Apologies to the folks afflicted with major affective…
She looks mentally ill. I don’t want to press play on any of the videos just to have it confirmed... goddammit I just did. She’s off her lithium or escaped her group home.
Brilliant! Thanks for this article - I need the laugh today!
Finally got to Season 4 - I agree wholeheartedly - the sexual abuse angle, as presented, just seemed mundane and contrived. As a psychologist who has practiced for 35 years and lived through the whole “multiple personality disorder” craze in the late 80's, I believe that while it was overdiagnosed by some ridiculously…
This was a remarkably unsettling movie - far more so than Silence of the Lambs. Anthony Hopkins’ performance in this still gives me the creep crawlies!
Sorry to be “that guy” but the author of the Dexter series is named Jeff Lindsay (with an “a” in the last name).
That’s why I loved him in this as well!
This was one hell of a movie - painful to watch at times but masterfully done and acted. Although he played a small role, Michael Shannon stands out for me as having given one of the most memorable performances.
This is why we kind have nice things.
I’m picky - hoping for Guantanamo or, better yet, Devil’s Island.